Chapter 1

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Hannah's POV

'Niall Horan is going back to Mullingar to visit his family&friends while he's off buisness' The reporter asnnouced while I was watching.. Right after he said  'Niall' memories flood into my head. I remember when he was about to go to London UK he promised me he'd never forget about me..Me and himnever contaced each other, the only thing I kept from him is his 4 leaf silver necklance before he went to x-factor he gave it to me but I gave him my lucky bracelet.  

*RING RING RING* My phone rang I answered it on the third ring 

'Hello?' I answered

'Hi, Hannah? this is Greg, Niall's big brother' he said through the phone

'Oh hey Greg!' I replied and smiled

'so since Niall is coming back, we're planning a party for him and his friends. So can you come?' he asked but I don't know if he still remembers me..I'll go to the party to see if he still does.

'Oh I would love to! when is it?' I asked 

'This friday!' he replied

'Tomorrow?!' I asked in shock

'Yess!!' he squeled 

'aha okay' I said hanging up the phone. 

OMG!! I can't wait till the party, I need to get my outfit ready!! 

I went to my closet and looked for a good outfit to wear. 

I decided to wear a blue yoga tank,skinny jeans, boots, and Niall's neckalce that he gave. :)

Niall's POV

I was so happy to be home! 

I'm really excited to see my old pals and  my relatives tomorrow!!  

Oh my god, I'm looking for my four leaf clover necklace where did I put it? 

'Mum, do you know where my four leaf clover necklace is?' I asked my mum 

'No sweetheart' she replied with a smile

I need it for tomorrow, it always gives me good luck, even though I'm always lucky since I'm Irish but the necklace helps me not to be nervous..I wouldn't give it to anyone but if I do I will give it to someone special to me.. 

I forgot if I gave it to someone but if I did I hope they'll come to the party so I could see who I gave it to! 

I forgot most of my friend here in Mullingar.. 

I hope when I see them I'll remember them.. 


So what do you think?(:

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K'byezzzzzzzzzzz :)xx

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