S l e e p y

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[Minhyuk's POV]

Sunlight shone through the oval window, lying on the tiled floor like sweet honey. The sun was bright and early. It's rays, were like fingers stretching across the blue sky, bringing with it a new day. It wasn't long before the sun filled the sky with it's brilliance and a warm glow.

Warm balls of light filtered through my thin eyelids awakening me. It was the second day of the weekend, today was Sunday. Rays of brightness cast squares onto the tiled floor, reflecting onto several objects in the room, decorating them with specks of light, like glitter. I blinked a few times, in an attempt to help my eyes adjust to the seemingly dancing illuminations in the room.

My body was nestled in between the strong arms of a beautiful adult boy. His hair was currently white blonde and his pale, white skin was flawless, completely free of blemishes lining his flesh. His face resembled a porcelain doll.

You are so beautiful. I can’t take my eyes off you.❞

I placed a hand upon your face, looking up at your beautiful features.
Your eyes were pressed closed, your eyelashes fluttering against your cheekbones. I rested my head against your chest. Thoughts were running through my mind, like they always did at this time of the day, when you were still sleeping; my mind would wander, and I couldn't help but think of you.

In your deep arms slower than a velvet. I want to sleep in your arms as I hoped to.

Our bodies were intertwined, your legs were pressed on the top of mine. I couldn't move mine, but I didn't want to. I was happy being close to you. One of my arms were wrapped around your skinny waist, and my other was pressed against your thin, yet muscular stomach. But, it wasn't only your stomach that was organised, and well worked out. Muscles rippled across every part of your body. Your muscles were petite, and easily overlooked, against your slim frame.

I traced my fingers over your skin and along your perfect abs that was peeking out from under your tee shirt. Your right arm was hidden somewhere underneath the pillow and, your left arm was wrapped around my waist, holding me close to your chest.

The both of our chests were rising and falling against each others, our breaths were as if in unison, slow and steady, and the warm blood I could feel in your embrace, made me not want to move for an eternity.

I moved slightly in your arms, and looked around our bedroom. We had been dating since, a few months before we applied for Starship Entertainment and before, Monsta X was formed. I had been sharing a room with you for just over four years now — Yes, that's right. Four years — and I often hung out in your room before then, but it was weird for me. Very, very weird. There were still so many things about our room, that I had overlooked (even after all this time).

I saw a coat hanger by our bed, I noticed it was painted white, but not just any shade of white. The coat hanger was painted ivory.

There was a cube shelving in the far right of our room, I've always noticed the collection of manga books you have on each shelf, but I've never examined them properly. But now looking at them closer, I could name every single one of them, and there sitting on the top row was your favourite, Rurouni Kenshin. I remember you telling me once, how you thought the two main characters were like us.

I've always noticed the two Pokémon plushies you have. One is on the bedside cupboard, and the other is placed on the floor. I've always had a visual memory of them: the colour, the look, but I've never looked at them long enough to realise what characters they were. I now knew, the one on the bedside was Eevee, and the one on the floor was Charmander.

S l e e p y // [Hyunghyuk, MX.] | ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now