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* Your name = (Y/n) *
* Nickname = (N/n) *

Haruhi and her sister (Y/n) were standing in front of the school's fourth library, watching the students in the library chatting. They closed the library's door with a sound 'thud'. "There are four whole library rooms, so why do they all have to be noisy." said Haruhi. (Y/n) just nodded in agreement. As they were wandering around the school's halls, a flock of birds was flying across the hall's window.

They stopped and looked out the window. "Mother, up in Heaven. It's been ten years now, huh?" Haruhi whispered in a quiet voice, but (Y/n) has heard it. She looked out the window and have further thoughts. "It seems like the children of rich people come to school for the fun of it."

They walked and stopped in front of the 'Music Room #3'. "An abandoned music room." said (Y/n). "I guess this is the only place that where we can study in peace and quiet." When they opened the door, there were rose petals flying out of the door. "~Welcome~" there were six boys. They had found the Host Club.

"H-host club?" Haruhi said when she was shaking. (Y/n) just stood beside Haruhi calmly.

"Oh, it"s 2 boys." said the twins that stand behind the chair next to the glasses boy. "Hikaru and Kaoru, the short visitor is in the same class as you guys, right?" the glasses boy asked. "Yes, he is. But he wasn't very sociably, so we don't know much about him." said the twins.

*ting* "It's impolite to say it like that. Welcome to Ouran Host Club, Honor Students." said the glasses boy.

'Am i just imagined? I saw two light bulbs light it on the glasses head.' (Y/n) stood there analyzed the situation.

"And the other is same classes as us, Tamaki." said the glasses boy.

"What? Then, this exceptionally rare. Honor students we've heard about, Fujioka Haruhi and Fujioka (Y/n), are you two?" said the tall blonde boy.

"How do you know our name?" Haruhi stopped shaking and asked them when she heard their names.

"It's just that our school tradition makes it difficult for commoners to get in. I've been told that unless you two possess a rather audacious nerve, you two cannot become honor students here." the glasses boy said it.

"Why....thank you..." Haruhi twitched her right eye.

"Yes! He's saying that you two are a hero, Fujioka-kun! Even though you might be at the head of the class, you two are still the poorest person in the whole school......" Haruhi had realized what the tall blonde boy had just said and left him. But he just followed Haruhi and continued his speech. "......Maybe you lowly people are looked down upon."

"No, we wouldn't necessarily go that far," said Haruhi and she stopped.

"It doesn't matter, does it? Long live the poor! Welcome to our world of beauty, poor man!" said the tall blonde boy who was doing drama now.

"Excuse us." said (Y/n) and pulled Haruhi out of the room. She won't freeze Haruhi because she was wearing black gloves. As they were on their way to the door, a short blonde boy pulled them back to the room.

"Hey! Haru-chan! (N/n)-chan! Haru-chan, (N/n)-chan, you two are heroes. Amazing!" the short blonde boy said while flowers were surrounded him.

"We are not heroes, we are just honor students..." Haruhi realized the boy just calls her Haru-chan. "...And who are you calling 'Haru-chan'?" she yelled at the poor little boy angrily. In another hand, (Y/n) had no problem with her nickname.

"Still, to think that such fabled, erudite students would be gay..." the tall blonde boy said while the short blonde boy was crying in the tall boy's arms.

"Gay?" Haruhi and (Y/n) said while sweatdropped. 'Gay..... isn't that word has the same meaning with homosexual...' (Y/n) has a habit that always learns new words while others talking.

"....What is your preference?"

"The wild type?" the tall boy who has just comforted the short blonde boy standing with blue roses background.

"The boy Lolita type?" the short blonde boy with pink roses background.

"The little devil type?" the twins with light blue and orange roses background.

"The cool type?" the glasses boy with purple roses background.

"I-it's not like that! We were just looking for a quiet place where we could study." Haruhi quickly explained the truth and (Y/n) stood beside Haruhi still sweatdropped at the situation.

"Or maybe..." the tall blonde boy touched Haruhi's cheek with his fingers."'d like to try me? How about it?"

Haruhi was too shocked at the skin contract and knocked onto the expansive vase behind her. (Y/n) quickly holds onto Haruhi's waist to steady Haruhi's balance, but the vase fell and smashed into pieces.

"Ah~ The Renaissance vase that is to be a feature in the school auction!" the twins appeared behind Haruhi and (Y/n) said "Now you've done it. We were going to start the bidding at 8 million yen for that!"

"8 million yen!? How many thousand yen is that? How many thousands are in 8 million" Haruhi calculated the number with her fingers.

"800 thousand yen in Japanese and 79050.2400 in US Dollars." (Y/n) said the number to Haruhi after she calculated in her brain.

'Interesting... She calculated the number correctly and also in US Dollars.' the glasses wrote some information in his black book about the situation.

"What!? Um, can we pay you back?" Haruhi said after discussed with (Y/n).

"Could you two even? You two can't even afford the designated uniform. What is that grubby outfit, anyway?" the twins said at the same time and one of them was looking the two's outfit up and down. Haruhi wore a brown sweater and black pants, while (Y/n) wore a navy blue hood jacket with a white shirt under it and dark blue pants.

"What will it be, Tamaki?" the glasses boy said while he picked up a piece of the vase.

"Have you two ever heard this saying, Fujioka-kun? When in Rome, do as the Romans do! If you two have no money then pay with your body." said the tall blonde boy name Tamaki suddenly changed his attitude.

'Your body... What was that mean?' (Y/n) curious about the word.

"Starting today, you two are the Host Club's dog!"

"Dog!?" Haruhi and (Y/n) said at the same time.

'This is too much, Mom. We've been captured by a ridiculous bunch who call themselves a "Host Club".' Haruhi became a white sheet of paper.

*poke, poke* the short blonde boy poked Haruhi and she fell. (Y/n) had captured her before she fell onto the floor.

"(Y/n), you will be my assistant. " said Kyoya. (Y/n) nodded.

'What a day' ~ (Y/n)

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