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Shayne's POV
The city lights bled into the cold night air but Cicero danced on. It was the place to be, top of the pile. Front of the lot. It was 1921, the year to beat and I was on top.
"Hey Shayne Bobby's waiting"
"I'll be right out" I said putting out my cigarette and adjusting my tie then pulling my blazer round myself.
"Hey Danny you know where Louisa is?" I said looking around
"Over there" he pointed
"Hey baby" I smiled. She was cold and polished. Her handle was fixed and grip replaced.
"Come on Shayne" Danny called again
"Yeah yeah I'm coming"  I said walking over to him. We walked towards Bobby. Bobby was a good friend. He was a large man with dark skin and two sunken eyes. "Shayne get over here"
"Sorry Bob" 
Louis was stood beside him with his arms crossed. "Louis" I nodded
"Shayne" he nodded back
"Look it's almost time. Danny get over here!"
"Yes" Danny said jogging over to stand beside us.
"You ready boys?"
"Born it" Louis shrugged
"Let's get 'em" Danny said cracking his knuckles.
"Let's light the place up" Bobby said placing his hat over his head.

The crowd shrieked when Bobby stepped out and me and the boys followed.
"On my count"
"1" I watched as Bobby counted us down.
"2" Danny rolled his shoulders back
"3!" I pressed my mouth the to piece and blew. Bobby tickled the ivories just right and Louis played the sax smoothly. While Danny tapped his foot and plucked the bass. The people at the bar and on he tables tapped three feet and couples danced and twirled around in front of the stage. It was a rush making sweet music, I breathed jazz and loved Every second. But that kinda love wouldn't keep me going forever. Thats what I realised when my eyes picked hers out of the crowd. Those kind, emerald eyes gleaming in the light. It was as if my lungs paused and heart was out of my chest. That feeling doesn't chime around often and you should chase it. But blinked for a second and she was gone. Lost to the crowd.
We finished our set and Bobby and the boys dispersed to the bar and started flirting with the flappers. "I'm gonna go for a smoke" I tapped Bobs shoulder. Bob seemed busy with his lips wrapped around a flapper so I laughed and then turned around and weaved through the crowd.
I didn't have to worry about coppers around the speakeasy and it was quiet outside. People said Al Capone kept trouble away from our speakeasy. Said he liked the place and put money into it.
I stepped out into the cold and lit my cigarette. I could hear muffled voices around the corner but I thought nothing of it and took another drag.
"That's not how it works!"
Swiftly a man walked out from the ally and into the night. I peered round the corner and there she was. Stood in the dim lamplight pressing her hand to the side of her face. I stepped around the corner fully now. "Did he hit you?"
"Those things will kill you" she rolled her shoulders back and looked at my smoke.
"Really? And who told you that?"
"My momma was a smart lady" she walked towards me and stood close.
"She didn't teach you not to talk to strangers?"
"I'm a stranger too" she took the cigarette from my hand and took a smoke.
"Won't they kill you?"  I chuckled
"That's the plan" she sighed
"So he did? Hit you I mean."
"You were in the army?" She took another puff
"I-yes It started when I was 19 when it broke out"
"You fought for all of it then?"
"Well yes but I wasn't at the front often I came out okay." I looked to her feet. Her shoes were stylish and black while her dress was loose and flowed. It was olive green and matched her eyes. "But did he hit you?"
"That's none of you're business" she threw the cigarette down and stepped on it. Next she started walking. "I can help you" I said "if he is"
"No, I don't Want your help just buy me a martini" she walked through the doors.  I ran after her and into the speakeasy. She was sat at the bar sipping a martini by the time I caught up.
"Finally" She sighed
I sat beside her. And almost immediately I was handed a scotch.
"How'd you know?"
"Men like scotch makes them feel warm and strong"
"I meant about me fighting"
"Oh. You had the look"
"The look?"
"The same look my dad had when he left for the war. The one my momma had when he didn't come home and the one my brothers had."
"Where are they now?"
"I left. Couldn't bare to see that look. But it's everywhere now." She shrugged sipping her martini again.
"What your name?" I asked
"What's yours?"
"Shayne, Shayne Topp."
"We've just met and your already trying to give me yours" she laughed into her martini with a goofy smile.
"Sorry" I chuckled "then what do you do?"
"How do you know I do anything"
"Well your all dolled up and that must cost something"
"I sing" she shrugged
"That's it?"
"Must be some singer then"
"We'll sing for me" I raised an eyebrow
"No" she laughed
"Fine." I paused. "hey who wants to hear her sing!" I shouted
"I hate you" she whispered
"I know" I laughed taking her hand and helping her to the stage. I placed the microphone stand in-front of her and picked up Louisa. "You sing jazz?" I asked
"Yes" she sighed
"You know this one then" I blew into my trumpet.
"You're loves a little blue" she sang the words effortlessly. Her voice fine like silk and tangled around my neck as the room melted away. She pushed one hand into the air gracefully as she held the stand close her body with the other. Slowly I got closer, our tunes intertwining into a sweet melody. We were close now her voice had pulled me closer and I smiled into the mouthpiece. She traced my jaw with her fingertip and down my neck to my chest where she stopped at my heart giving it a poke and like that the song was over in a moment. We stepped of the stage once the applause had finished. Another band replaced us not that it mattered much. The music was slow and affectionate I held her close and she pressed her head to my chest.
Those few hours felt like seconds. Fleeting, glorious seconds.
I felt her stand on her tip toes. "I have to go" she whispered. And for a moment the daze was broken I watched as a hand pulled her away and into the crowd but I held her other hand as long as I could extending my fingers to feel her touch a little longer. And like a dream she was gone.

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