The Virus

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The cold hand grasped the door and tore the doorknob off. On the other side of the frail door stood Parker, who was 15 he had dirty hair and black eyes, and was built like a boxer, although he had scrappy, dirty jeans, and had a t-shirt with claw marks running along it.

The glass pane rattled, and a long crack appeared down the side of it. Parker gawped, then turned and ran down the corridor, searching for a door that was stronger.

He yanked a door open and recoiled instantaneously as several teachers gnashed their mouths hungrily at him. One teacher drew his hooked fingernails, which had hardened into claws and swiped at Parker like a bear.

Parker brought his hands up to defend himself against the attack. The claws tore a finger off.

Parker gasped with pain and ran again screaming as his finger erupted blood.

The teachers in hot pursuit had unnaturally tall cheekbones with drooping fangs inside. As Parker slammed the lift button the elevator shuffled down, and opened two doors sluggishly.

Parker jumped and hit a random number on the dial inside the elevator.

'Where, to the chapel?'

A teenager emerged from behind Parker, who hadn't noticed him when he had ran in.

The kid had his scruffy white shirt on, which had been stained with blood, and filthy trousers covered in bloodstains.

The kid extended a grubby hand.

'Roger, and you are Parker, from four months ago, where you were in math class with me.'

Parker just drooped his jaw.

Parker extended his hand to grasp Roger's.

'By the way the chapel now has science equipment, and are currently examining the virus, we need to get back to them as soon as possible.'

'Ok' Parker replied

'Is it just me or is the elevator very, very slow, we should of made it now, shouldn't we.'

'I think so.'

The grey elevator was slowly shimmering through the shaft at an unusually slow pace.

Parker fumbled through his ragged pockets until his hands found a dry slice of bread to eat.

'Do we still have food?' Parker asked

Roger hungrily smothered his lips with his tongue at the though of fresh food.

'No, what do you think we're costco?' Roger growled, almost annoyed that Parker had mentioned food. Parker glared at Roger.

A sharp snapping sound interuppted Parker has he bristled a retort. Roger looked up his glasses slipping over his nose.

'They're in the shaft!' Parker gasped.

'I figured that, do you think I'm thick?' Roger bristled.

Parker had no response and just glared heavily.

Another sharp snapping sound came from the elevator shaft. Parker scrambled to the dial of floor numbers, and thumbed the G incased inside a circle. Parker's filthy finger had stained the G of the dial, which had been worn away through the years. A snapping sound came from above, and the lift lurched to one side, Roger stepped back, slipping on the floor as the lift had suddenly lurched. Roger was sent flying at Parker, who had turned to see Roger flying through the air like a baseball at him. Parker ducked quickly and Roger went flying into the wall and then fell to the floor with a loud thud.

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