Short Story entry

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Peace. Serenity. That was what I felt drifting through the ocean what seemed like just yesterday. The sea grass that I had once called my home with others like me was gone. With my tail curled around a white rod, I set off to find a new place. A place I could call home. So far, the rod and I were carried along through a wasteland. It was hard to imagine anything had lived here before. Clumps of lifeless, clear, material coated the water. It just floated. Moving aimlessly like me. I had known the clumps. They caused friends to move and flee. Wherever they were, destruction and death followed.

Time passed by so slowly. I was starving but there was no food. Giving up and accepting my fate was one of my only options. Just as I was planning on surrendering, a ray of hope shone through. A swift current pushed us along. Everything was spinning and swirling as something pushed us along.

When the world stopped moving, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Colors everywhere. Fish swam happily and without a care. Trash was nowhere. I let go of the rod and propelled myself to the first coral I could see. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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