Chapter 1

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Hey everyone. This is the remake of his Neko! Enjoy!

Eren P.O.V
            I walked down the hall, my ears pressed painfully flat against my head. My tail stiff from not moving it all day. I made it a medium sized dark oak door. I push it open and walked over to a dark brown dresser next to a bed with white sheets. I opened the dresser and pulled out a pair of shorts, a tank top, and a head band. I slipped on the dark blue shirt and the light gray shorts too. After I took the head band and put it behind my ears keeping my hair out of my face. There was a desk in the far left corner of the door, and that's where I found myself next. I was sitting there typing my report of the last mission I took. As I finished a lady dressed in dark purple and blue. She smiled and threw a packet/folder of paper. About half an inch thick. I opened it and before my eyes, paper filled to the folder a picture of my new target.
           My new target was a descent looking man. It said he's about 4 or 5 years older than me putting him in his early to mid 20's.  He had short, thick raven black hair. His eyes, they were beautiful, They were grey with icy blue glare. While a read further down the document on him he happened to have a bad history with my boss, Erwin. Setting that page to the side I finally got to the page which explained my mission. "What's my objective huh?" I mumbled scanning threw the page I found the objective. Assassinate Levi Ackerman.
           Kill levi. That was the only though running threw my mind as I sat at the old wooden desk my mouth agape and eyes held open wide. I stood and dressed in pure black, a Black long sleeve, I rolled the sleeves up on, and black pants. I put on my black combat boots that go over my pants. With my eyebrows pressed together and my fists clenched, I walked swiftly down the hall. Before I knew where I was going I stopped before these large doors with a planking black sign with white lettering spelling, 'Erwin's office' the plastic sign contrasted the light hallways. Before I opened the door I sighed and took a deep breath. Remember why your doing this Eren. The deep voice of my inner wolf shocked me. He rarely ever spoke to me unless I was about to make a choice I would regret. It wasn't always this way though, no. At one point in my life he would talk so much we could hold a conversation. That all changed 12 years ago, it was my 7th birthday with the pack, my dad was the alpha and my mom was the Luna. My two best friends were there but while we were celebrating these men suddenly walked in holding guns. My father went to stop them but another man come from behind me, Armin, and Mikasa. That man killed my dad then my mother who ran to my fathers side. The mans name, Erwin Smith. That day as I witnessed my partners get murdered my wolf broke down. He quite speaking to me. I don't know why but he did. When I was somewhere lost in my own thoughts and memories of that day the large door opened.
"Hello, Eren." I looked up hurriedly and nodded. "Come on child." Erwin spike as he stepped to the side and I stepped into his office my tail swaying with my steps and my ears pressed flat against my head and I almost let out a whimper. When ever Erwin and I were together I always became afraid. "Why are you here?" He asked sitting at his desk.
I follow him quickly and sit in one of the plastic chair informs of his desk. "I'm here because.." I knew the reason I was here, to reject the mission but seeing his face stuck fear into me. "I'm here because I'd like to know when I begin my next mission." The blond before me smirked.
"Your getting quite used to the way we do things here huh?" Erwin asked with a chuckled. "You can't start whenever your ready, but don't forget the report for your last mission." I nodded and stood.
"I'll begin once the report is in." I explained to Erwin and hurried out of the office. My ears relaxed and so did my tail. My tail swayed happily as I got back to my room. Once at my room I found a glass of milk with a note, "be carful with him Eren." It must have been Marco.(I know Marcos dead but I don't care. He lives on in my heart. Fight me.) Marco was the only one of us to ever fail a mission and that costed him his eye. The man he had to take out was my new target but he failed and Erwin was not happy. That day I remember the clear

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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