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I should've been home two weeks ago, but I ended up getting really sick during my visit home. Grandma told me it would be too dangerous for me to return in the frail condition I was in, sje said the energy I would need to consume to return would be too much for my body to handle. So I ended up staying for an extra two weeks until Grandma determined I was strong enough to return. I missed everyone, and I'm sure they were all concerned about me. I had no way of communicating with them and knowing them they were all probably assuming the worst had happened to me.

Walking through the wood is normally not a hassle for me, but having to haul two suitcases and four bags carrying gifts for everyone was a struggle. Add onto the fact my body was still recovering from being so ill, the normal mile and a half walk was taking a bit longer than usual. I set my stuff down and leaned up against a tree to take a quick break and catch my breath. The sun stared down at me form high in the sky through the naked tree branches bathing me in it's warmth. From the position of the sun I could guess it was noon, and since it was Wednesday that means everyone would still be in school right now. It was cool outside but not freezing. Back home it was endlessly snowing, and since my health went south I wasn't able to do much of the shopping I wanted to do on my won. Grandma was kind enough to go an collect everything I wanted. I hoped that everyone liked their gifts. They were all different and unique to go with their varying personalities.

After my small break and regaining some of my strength back I continued my walk home, there aren't enough words to describe my joy as I slowly made my way up the hill to see my cabin coming into view. But as I rounded the corner I was shocked to see the large banner and streamers on the front of the house

WELCOME HOME ___________!!!!!

Those goofballs, I wonder when they came and did this. As I stood smiling up at the banner i hear a loud squeal from behind, I was about to turn around when all I see is a head of blonde curly hair before I'm tacked to the ground.

"_______ you're finally home!!! Ohhhh we've missed you so much. It's been so boring without you!!! You've had us all worried you know, we've been worrying every since you didn't come back the day you said you would. That's not like you at all, you're the only one, who when they say they're going to do something to actually go through with it." Though she had a huge smile on her face I could see the look of relief in ______'s eyes.

"I hope you can forgive me, I'm really sorry that I made you all worry." I planned to let them know that I was sick, but I had to be careful to make sure I didn't say to much. I still haven't told them the truth and after my visit home I knew that I needed to grow a pair and tell them all the truth. I was just afraid of how they'd all react.

"Well do you plan on giving us an explanation as to why you were gone longer than what you said you would be?"Glaring down at me ________ crosses her arms and continues to sit on my chest and stare at me the look of relief now gone.

"Why don't you get off her chest and we all go inside and listen to her explanation." Glancing around ________ I see _________ and _________ standing a couple feet away. Both of them didn't look happy and I was beginning to worry that everyone was upset with me. _______ lets out a huff and climbs off of me standing up. I stand up and brush the dirt and debris off of me, before collecting my bag and guiding the three of them into my cabin. Opening the door and being washed with the scent of sage and lavender brought me instant relief. Oh how I missed my home. I set my bags down and make my way through the house and slightly crack open the windows to allow some of the fresh air in. I go through all the rooms in the house before I make my way back to the living room where everyone is sat.

"So ________, why were you gone for so long?" Well, here goes nothing. I sure hoped they believed me and that I didn't spill too much information.


And that is all I have for now. Please read, comment, and let me know your thoughts.

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