Newt imagine (the maze runner)

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"(Y/n) can I talk to you" newt clears his throat. You are sitting down at one of the run down tables outside the kitchen with a couple of your close friends including your brother Thomas. Apparently Thomas said as soon as he's seen you in that cold metal god forsaken box something clicked and a memory came rushing to him. Revealing that you were his little sister. Ever since then he's been way more than overprotective. You look at newt then back at the group of laughing boys. A smile starts to tug at the end of your lips "sure". You rise from the table following him. Halfway across to the map room he reaches for your small hand picking up his speed. A giggle escapes your lips. "Why in such a hurry today?". He glances back at you with a sly smile. Finally arriving at the back of the map room newt throws you against the wall his lips rushing to yours. He stops slowly brushing them against yours at first then deepens it to a proper kiss. His hands wasting no time running through your (y/h/c) hair. His tongue gaining entrance exploring every inch of your sweet mouth. "Newt" you moan hastily. His mouth disconnects from yours and starts trailing wet sloppy kisses onto your neck. You can't help but melt under his touch. "I've been waiting for this all day" his heaving breaths inches from your face. Your lips begin to part about to say the same when a voice booms "Woah! Uh what the shuck are you guys doing" you jump out of your skin. Mihno's face comes into view. Shuck. You and me both know he can't keep his trap shut to save his own skin. "Mihno wait I can explain!" You try to start the long story of trying to convince him that what we just seen was not actually what he just seen. "Nope just save it. You can do all the explain to Thomas. Why newt had his shuckin hands all over you. Touching and grabbing" he fakes a gag at the end obviously enjoying the predicament your in. "You better bloody keep your mouth shut" threatens newt

"Oh I will...after I tell THOMAS!!!" The runner screams Thomas's name at the end, solid that'll get him catapulting over where you guys are at. "Mihno!" You make a grab at him with open fist but he dodges away quickly just in time as Thomas stands in between you guys. "You shank" you mumble shooting him a glare. "Woah. What's going on? (Y/n) are you ok? I heard someone scream my name? Did anyone hurt you?-"

"Thomas" you cut him off from all his 21 questions. "Nothing is wrong. What you heard was Minho's girlish screams because I'm about to beat the living klunk out of him!" you make a lunge for him again. This time newt holds you back. "Come on (y/n) just tell your brother that I saw you basically eating newts face off" mihno chuckles bending over in two trying to stop his himself from bursting out of laughter. "What!?" Thomas's burning face of anger looks to Minho then to newt holding you back. Newt drops his grip raising his hands in the air as if in surrender. "Tommy" newt stutters "it's not-" he's not able to let another word out from his quivering lips before being slammed into the wall. Thomas's frame towering over him making newt seem like a little mouse. "You better listen up good shank! I don't care how nice of a guy you are you touch my sister again and I will personally through you out into the maze myself! Got it!?" Thomas eyes bulge in rage all his jagged breaths coming through gritted teeth. "Tommy!" You plead embarrassed out of your shuck mind. "Leave him alone! I'm just as guilty as he is!" You squirm yourself between newt and Thomas's death grip. You push on your brothers heaving chest. Ha like if that'll do any damage. "I like him and he likes me"

"She's right tommy. I know she's your little sister but I love her and-" he stops dead in his tracks as if revealing a forbidden secret. In shock you look back at newt. Standing there innocently as if a little kid spilled his milk. "You love me" your voice barely higher than a whisper as if not wanting to scare the dream awake. "Yeah. I love you (y/n). As soon as I laid eyes on you I knew you were someone special. Before we entered the glade we must of had something cause this feeling for you is so bloody warm. I don't know how to say it. We're meant to be. I just know it. In the glade or not your the love of my life" and just as fast as that moment came, it was gone. Thomas's fist came flying out of the air, landing squarely on newts jaw. "No!" You shriek. "Thomas! What's wrong with you!?" You fall to newt's side tenderly touching his jaw. His eyes flutter open. "Bloody hell" he croaks. Thomas leans down "better keep her safe shank" then stomps of. In shock you focus back on newt. "If that was his approval it was bloody worth it". You can't help but giggle stroking his hair staring down at him with his bloody nose you help clean up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2014 ⏰

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