Together We Stand (Yaoi)

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      X> So this is my first story and I would like to know if its any good by your standards. Actually its not my first story but its the first I've ever put up for others to view. I'm not the best, I know, so criticism is welcome. I would be nice to know what i can change...Anyways! =) Here's one of my stories i've been working on. I would ask if I can at least get 5 reviews/comments/suggestions. I would be very happy X>



    Tycho Birch fell back into his seat as the full words of the doctor came to him. "How long?" He asked.

    "Six months at the most-

    "No," his father replied.

    "Mr. Birch-

   "No!" he stood now, with barely concealed rage. "My son will not die. He won't die, you hear me? You can't put a time limit on his life!" he yelled.

    "I'm sorry Mr. Birch but you have to calm down-

    "I will not! You do everything you can to save my son!"

    "Mr. Birch, there's not much I can do at this point. I mean, we can..." Her words were tuned out as   Tycho took deep breaths to calm his erratc breathing. He was going to die in less than six months. His pale face turned to his father. His brain wasn't registering what was said but rather what was thought. 'I can die anytime between now and six months.'

    "..Can't loose him!" he vaugely heard his father say. After loosing his mother to the illness, his father has always been over protective of him. Their bond became closer after the death. "He's all I have," he heard his father say.

    Tycho Birch had a lean, slightly muscular build, blond hair and green eyes flecked with gray. He was 5'7 at 17 years old and was just told that he has cancer, the same illness that his mother died from. He was told that he was slowly dying and it progressed far too worse for any treatment to be effective. He numbly stood from his seat, staring at the floor beneath him. Mr. Birch and the doctor grew quiet as e blankly walked pass and out the door. Tycho knew somthing was wrog with himself, he just didn't think it was this bad. Mr. Birch made to follow him and they walked silently back to the car. On the ride homw, Mr. Birch glanced occasionally back and forth to his son, worry and fear etched onto his face. His one and only son, the one thing in his life worth living for; take him away then what would he become? 'God, this isn't fair', he thought. He wouldn't let his son die, no matter what it took. It was hi resolve and he would see through it.

    "We will go through with the treatment," he softly said while still glancing.

    "No," Ty replied.


    "You heard what the doctor said!" Ty yelled, feeling the tears stinging his eyes.

   "That don't mean we still can't try," he replied, his hands clenching the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white at his son's pain.

    "Why!" he yelled in anger. As they came to aa red light, Mr. Birch looked at him. "Why try? Why do anything. What's the point? You're only wasting your money, the treatment wont work, its fucking pointless and I'm as good as dead!" he cried. Everything came toppling down on him as he finally allowed himself to cry. 'I don't wanna die,' he thought. 'Please..I wanna live. Just let me live!'

In the time it took to reach their house, Ty had come to accept the fact that he was allowed only six more months to live. Shakingly he stood out of the car and went into the house, going straight to his room. There were still places he wanted to go and things he wanted to see but now he was not allowed to see and not allowed to go. He sighed, sitting at his desk, getting to work on the paper that will decide everything.


    X> Well here's the prologue...Do you like it? It ok if you don't T-T. Like I stated earlier. Any comments are welcome, good or bad. heh heh **Laughs nervously** X>

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 21, 2012 ⏰

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