Chapter One

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Wade Wilson was born four  years before his soulmate. He was born with a black marking on his left cheek. His father Logan Howlett was upset for his son, knowing the day that he was born that he was going to be slapped by his soulmate.

So he made it his personal goal to give Wade the life he deserved, while still being harsh when he needed to.

His story begins on his eighteenth birthday when he was woken up by his twin brother, Alex Summers-Howlett.


Of course, it wasn't an amazing wake up call.

"ALEXANDER PLEASE CÁLLETE!" shouted the youngest sibling, Laura Howlett.

Wade groaned, burying his head into his pillows. "Both of you shut up." He said to the two standing in his doorway. "Jerks," he added under his breath.

Marie, the nice one, walked into the room. She held chimichangas that she and Laura made themselves. "Wade, breakfast is ready." She said gently, rubbing his back.

Wade sat upright quickly. "Is that chimichangas?"

The eight year old smiled brightly. "Yup! Laura and I made them ourselves!"

Wade took the plate gently. "Thank you. Can you tell Alex and Laura to quiet down before Dad wakes up and kills us for waking him up?"

Marie giggled and shook her head. "Wade, he's already-"

A loud grumble came from outside the room, interrupting Marie.

"Morning Daddy!" Laura squealed and ran out of the room to hug him.

Logan smiled softly as if seeing the sunset for the first time and picked up the six year old. "Good morning, mi pequeño hija."

Laura giggled and kissed his cheeks. "Wade's all grown up now!" Logan smiles sadly, feeling a hole in his heart.

"He is, isn't he?"

Alex laughed, shaking his blonde head. "For being all grown up, he's still more immature than a three year old."

Wade pouted and stuck his tongue out. "Oh shut it you jerk. Also happy birthday, please don't kill me!"

Alex playfully rolled his eyes. "Happy birthday Wade."


A few hours later, Wade and Alex came home to a surprise birthday party. "Happy birthday!" The students of Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters shouted. Alex almost had a heart attack, not really liking surprises.

"Thank you?"

Wade on the other hand was ecstatic. "THANKS SO MUCH YOU GUYS!" He shouted and bounced up and down. Scott walked over to Alex and hugged him, dragging him away, being the introvert that he was. Wade sat down in the center of everything, talking to everyone he could.

Logan sat down with the adults, feeling a loss for his eldest sons. "You know Charles, I thought I was already to see my bother and my migraine grow up, but it turns out I wasn't ready at all." He commented to Charles Xavier-Lensherr. Charles nodded in understanding.

"I know what you mean. Wanda and Pietro turned eighteen just a few months ago and it tore me up."

Marie and Laura walked over to Logan, hand-in-hand. "Daddy, why is Wade and Alex becoming eighteen such a big deal?" Marie asked, sitting down in front of Logan's legs.

Logan inhaled sharply. "Because Marie, it means that they don't have to depend on me anymore. They're grown up. Soon they'll graduate from school and leave our house."

Laura whimpered. "Big brother will leave us?"

Wade snapped his head over to them. "Hey! Who said I was leaving?" Logan sighed, rubbing his temple.

"Well, Alex will be leaving shortly and marrying Hank McCoy."

Marie huffed and crossed her arms. "I don't like that. I should be the first to get married, not Alex."

Logan chuckled, kissing Marie's head. "I know, right? It's so unfair of him."

Wade and Alex walked over to Logan. "Dad, is it time for presents?"

Logan nodded and stood up and got the presents. "Okay, sit down." He said to the boys and handed them each two small boxes.

Alex neatly opened the present, which held a glass beaker. "Dad, I'm confused."

Logan chuckled and sat down, taking the present. "You see, this is a hint at your soulmate, who you've already met. The beaker represents science which represents Hank McCoy."

Wade bit his lip gently and tore into the gift. "What's this supposed to mean? It's just a string!"

Logan turned to him. "This is a special thing. It may be wrong, mind you. But that, my son, is a spiderweb string."

The Merc's Vigilante [Spideypool Soulmate AU]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora