"After all, you're the only one"

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***this is just a translation of the story, i'm sorry if something is missing or bad translated because english isn't my mother language, i'm still learning***


When the life of a simple human being comes to an end, his soul can only go to two places: heaven or hell, depending on how it was during his life, Saint Peter will wait for them at the entrance to paradise observing each soul and taking him At their destination, curiously most go to hell since no one seems to obey the laws imposed by Jehovah, all those souls are doomed to the eternal sea of ​​burning fire and eternal pain a place so gloomy and horrible that not even the pain of pulling your own tongue with a bite would resemble or at least, that's what they say out there.
Ah, hell, full of demons living as they please day and night, sin and sin, what else can they do? They are already there anyway; Well, that was not the way a certain high class social demon saw him, the very daughter of the Lord of Darkness, Princess Charlote Magne and although her parents have taught her how the two kingdoms work, she has a new vision that contradicts all those ancient teachings and is convinced that within each demon there is a rainbow.
The princess was in her room next to Vaggie, a demon with gray skin and white hair with pink touches usually adorned by a bow in the shape of a bun in the back of her hair, white skull-shaped earrings, patch on her left eye adorned with a pink cross and she wears very "girly" clothes, usually a white dress with black touches and a pair of stockings; one striped in pink and dark gray and another totally gray accompanied by boots of the same color, she is the best friend and protector of the princess since she has the ability and an arsenal full of bladed weapons. -Charlie, your father will not be happy with this ... Do you really want to do it? This could cost you to live - said the young protector but to her misfortune the princess was too stubborn to stop now, once she got an idea in her head nobody could get her out - Vaggie, I know it's crazy but that's what is life trying to take risks? How will I know if it does not work if I do not try? There are hundreds of souls out there who were condemned for nonsense, they do not deserve to be here and I'm sure that this project will only work with a smile that completely convinced Vaggie, after all, what is the worst it could happen?
That same evening Charlie called the number one news chain in hell, the 666News, starring Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench who were responsible for transmitting all the important events of the kingdom, for obvious reasons accepted the audience of the princess for the news the next day; the day arrived, Charlie was accompanied by her friend and her little butlers Razzle and Dazzle, a pair of winged kids with the task of doing everything their royalty commanded them. After the last minute news and Tom changed his wet pants for Killjoy boiling coffee began that long-awaited interview with the princess who would present the project he planned so much with the help of his friend Vaggie - As everyone knows I was born in hell and I've always tried to see the good side in everything and this has led me to think, is not there a more humane way to control the over population in hell with an alternative like ... Redemption? Well, I think so, and that's what this project wants to achieve! Ladies and gentlemen, I will open the first of its kind: a hotel that rehabilitates sinners! - the whole audience was perplexed, nobody expected that coming from a being as powerful as her, all the demons present were limited to make a face of scorn and mockery towards what the mogul said - you know ... Because in the hotels you can have a good time ... Temporarily ...- said the girl nervously, because she was not getting the reaction she expected, at that moment outside the set just in front of an appliance store the princess captivated the gaze of a peculiar demon the which always walked around with a smile, no matter what, this only stopped to watch that show with the small crowd that was in the same place - look, I know there is something good inside all of you, really what I know - he said now with a sad tone - maybe I can not convince them like that - he finished with a smile as he got up from his seat and snapped his fingers, just at that moment, his butlers accompanied the princess in a musical piece sticky, this piece would be all that the smiling demon needed to be captivated and intrigued with his majesty. After that terrible fiasco on live television, Charlie was still optimistic opening the doors of that happy hotel where his first guest would arrive: a young man well known for his ... Special shows and movies, nothing more and nothing less than the mafioso, star porn, nice and unfortunately for the guardian of the princess, Angel Dust;
You know those two can not get along. Soon, the sound of the main door is present once again, taking the princess out of her thoughts and opening it quickly, she saw from head to toe the demon that was outside the portico, he was very tall and almost all his clothes, like her hair . , ears and eyes had different shades of red -He- could not finish because the princess hit the door quickly with surprise in the face and turned again to open it only to close it again -llo-
-Vaggie- said the young blonde with fear towards her friend who was sitting on one of the sofas in the lobby -What? - he answered reluctantly to what Charlie said nervously - the radio demon is out, what should I do? - He concluded with a nervous smile - Do not let him in! - replied his tutor quickly, although it seemed that he was talking to the wind because Charlie ignored this warning by opening the door to the devil. I can talk? - Said that even with that smile typical of him to which the princess responded with crossed arms and haughty-you can-was interrupted by a sudden handshake of the opposite -Alastor, a pleasure of poisoning to meet you, dear! I apologize for this sudden visit, but I saw your fiasco on stage and I could not resist! But what a performance! It was like the fall of the stock market in 1929, hahaha ... So many orphans, "he said, taking a few steps forward when he was stopped by a sharp spear pointing directly at his face. Stay there! Son of a bitch, I know your game and I will not let you hurt anyone here! You, pompous speaker of whores interviews! - Without erasing the smile on his face, Alastor pulled away that spear responding to the threat that threatened, if he wanted to hurt someone here ... He would have done it - he finished the sentence with a grim smile - Do not do it! I'm here because I want to help. He ended up returning to his main face, leaving the two girls confused and doing nothing, Charlie invited him to take part, as well as a drink that the demon with deer horns rejected.
-And well ... what are your plans? - He asked the young blonde to break the tension generated by the distrust of her friend and the ingenuity of Angel about his new host. "Simply, upon learning that I'm here following the planned program, count it for sure, Miss," he said confidently, to which Charlie did not know what to expect because Alastor was known for the terrible things he had done in hell and human world, but that goes! it could work, "said the tycoon who extended his hand but did not take his eyes off, he is not a devil that can be trusted a lot anyway, well, dear, it's a deal then," said the opponent when he interlaced his hand with the princess. Shortly after he was taken to his assigned room, Charlie went directly to where he lay on his back on the bed staring at the ceiling and losing himself in his thoughts: will I have done the right thing? - He asked himself again and again until he fell victim to his own fatigue. On the other hand, the demon announcer found in his room a song by Anette Hanshaw with a buzz from Moon, this while he was installed in his room was large, more than you would expect all the rooms to look like luxury suites, an investment that only the royal family could finance. Once finished, sat on the edge of the bed, oh princess, how naive it is, I will soon go to beloved power, it's only a matter of time ...- Alastor said with a maniacal laugh because he knew that anyone could hear. That, now he must be even more cautious with his movements, he can not risk so much. The days passed and new tenants appeared at the hotel, the place was full of life: people walked through the corridors, others watched television in the lobby, it was magnificent, Charlie was radiant with this opportunity and, although none of them was wearing as well. well still, something starts. The interaction between the princess and the announcer was growing, now they spent a lot of time together, both imposed order and used to sing because both have incredibly beautiful voices, all this is just the next step in the twisted plan of the cannibal. : trust, if Charlie trusted him, he could do anything ... But something stopped him every time he was close to her, every time he looked at those hopeful eyes, that smile free of darkness, certainly the princess had something special, something that managed to captivate Alastor, something that prevented him from going ahead with his plans, he did not feel capable of destroying it with a single bite in the jugular as in the beginning. What have you done to me, Charlie? - Said the demon inside each one seeing one of the photos of the royal family and a more tender smile. "Certainly, Princess Charlotte, you have tamed this wild animal."
On the other hand, Charlie did not stop thinking about the radio demon, he had that no-se-what that managed to capture his attention, he knew that the devil-deer was very popular among women and he was also aware of everything that he he had done, how many he had not eaten, his interviews so cruel his reputation did precede him but still the young princess was captivated by those crimson eyes, it was like looking through a couple of rubies, it was fascinating how he talked about anything without to erase that smile from her face but there was something else that had him enthralled and she was willing to discover what it was about. With the passing of days the princess was watching her partner and vice versa, each observing the movements of the other as if they were lurking, there was tension, few were now the words that crisscrossed the demons, why were they behaving like this? There was no way that friendship had broken, but what no one imagined was that this relationship was no longer friendly, it was something stronger, something that throbbed inside their breasts and generated a soft and pleasant heat when they were together was it love? Impossible, demons are incapable of loving! He repeated himself again and again the crimson demon in his solitude, - and if so, the princess would never want to be with a demon like me, I mean ... His smile has no shadow of evil, his intentions are the purest I've seen could be more kind than an angel and has enough courage to go against all the statutes that his father has dictated instead I ... I was terrible in life and that brought me here and, despite knowing what What I did continued to do the same in hell ... - frustrated, he saw through the window of his room towards the landscape that offered the city pentagram, chaos everywhere outside the hotel grounds. Meanwhile the princess was in conflict because she wanted to talk to someone and resolve the uncertainty that has haunted her all these days, a tremendous intrigue about her peculiar tenant; she knew that Vaggie would reproach her since since he arrived here she has not stopped warning him about it and his reputation so only his only option was Angel who over time, had become a very close friend -Angel could I talk to you in private? - the girl said to her friend pointing to his study, the young arachnid immediately approached the young matriarch with curiosity -clear Char! - said this playfully as he entered the studio of the blonde, once inside Charlie He told her to take a seat on the crimson leather sofa under a huge painting of the royal family and in front of a very pretty tea table; Immediately after Angel took place Charlie sat at his right hand with an anguished face -you are my only support with this, Angel - the girl said carefully to what the arachnid replied - huh? What do you mean, Char? I will always support you, that's what friends do! - Angel said with a huge smile - but why do not you talk to Vag first? She's your best friend, is not she? "Charlie quickly looked back at his partner." It's nothing! It's just what I know what he'll tell me and I think I need another opinion, that's why I want yours, Angel.

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