The princess had been murdered.  This news spread quickly through the kingdom and frightened a great many. For that meant there was a killer on the loose, a killer of a thirteen year old girl. An innocent sweet princess with great potential. Weeks went by, but the body was never found.

    Even without the corpse we were convinced that she was dead. Even so the kingdom was searched, and the neighboring kingdoms as well. But nothing was ever found.
    Finally the story was told, a maid had ran into the throne room panicking and led the king and queen to the princesses room. There was blood on the floor and desk, it stained the bedsheets and curtains as well. The sight was simply horrifying. The queen broke into sobs and wasn't seen again for two months
The king turned cold, well colder. He was said to have once been a very reasonable and kind man, but something must have happened to ruin that man cause the king we know is harsh and rude.

    A great sadness fell over all the land and we mourned. Rumors we're everywhere, any where you went you heard something different. Everyone seamed to have there own version of the same thing.

    Someone in the castle had it out for the princess.

    Every member of the royal house was questioned. Starting with the maid who had allerted the king and queen, but no one had anything to do with the murder and they all had witnesses or valid reasons of why it was not them.

    They searched every house in the kingdom but found nothing. The search for some kind of proof of who could have killed or kidnapped the girl went on for weeks, but still they found nothing.

    Finally they gave up the search and the princess was decidedly dead. After the weight of death passed over our village and the rest of our kingdom every body seemed to move on. It was old news now everyone had found something new to gossip about.

    But I still felt like I had to find the killer, like it was my duty to bring justice to Victoria.
I was eight.

    As I grew I knew that being a girl in the world I lived in I would never have the freedom to search for the killer. I would be expected to be a good wife, to stay home to mind the children and clean and cook. The thought makes me utterly sick but that's just the way that life works I guess. The guys go out and do manly stuff like fight and women have to be at their beckoning call.

    I am fifteen now and Victoria has been forgotten, for the most part. We still have a day dedicated to her memory. But the mystery of her "death" still tugs at the back of my mind and I wonder if I will ever know what truly happened.



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