The Light to My Darkness

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It's been years. Years of running in this dark isolated forest. Why am I running? Who am I running from? Better question is...what am I running from? I can't really's so hard to describe because I cannot see it, but I can feel it and hear it. All I see is a darkness. Sometimes it feels like I've gotten away from it but sooner or later I hear it calling. It's like living in a loop. Day after day after day. How you may ask? Let me explain. Let me explain to you how I've been this darkness in a dark place.
When your a kid, it feels like your living in a beautiful, vibrant grassland. Beautiful trees, colorful flowers, cute animals. You learn that the world is a beautiful and calming place. Childhood is like a paradise. Life is good they say love is everywhere they say. Idiots, liars all of them. Because of these lies, my bright grassland has become a dark and dead forest. Everyday is the same, running from the darkness that covers the forest and chases me down. After everyday I would look worse. Scars, cuts, bruises, and scraps. Blood on my shirt, dirt on my face. But how does that even come?...It's the darkness.
I wake up to see myself on the cold, rough dirt. Like I said everyday is the same and I get worse. But this day felt different, I don't know how to described...something was off. As I got up weakly my body ached. My sides, my arms, my legs, my neck. It was like I had just been beaten by a thug in the streets of New York. Only I couldn't see what was hurting me. As I stood up straight I looked around and there I was. In a dark forest, where all I see is the black silhouette of the trees. I could also tell that the trees had been dead. Maybe it was winter due to the fact that I was practically freezing. As I looked around I felt an intense amount of emotions. I was scared, angry, and most of all...sorrowful. I felt an immense numbness in my chest, I felt light headed, I felt pain. I look around alert and scared as I tried not to cry from the fear of losing. As I did so I heard almost like a horn. At that moment I knew, as my heart sank and eyes widened, it was coming. Like a bugle-man walking into a war zone, the horn went off again but it was louder. They were coming closer. Immediately I began running from it as I saw it eating the silhouette off the trees making it pitch black from behind me. My legs were In pain however and made it difficult. Despite I ran more and more getting away from the Darkness. It always followed me no matter what I did. I knew it was a part of me but I still give myself false hope that I could break free of it and run from it. I was desperate so I continued to run. The horn got louder and louder as it approached me. Soon that horn became a whisper. It sounded demonic and it made everything worse. Voices in the darkness whispered things to weaken me so that they may take me and eat me alive. I began to run faster and faster as the whispers got louder and louder. The amount of fear I held was beyond compare. No matter how hard or fast I run, the voices got louder. It was so loud that I couldn't hear my own screams, my own footsteps. They were saying that I am nothing but a disappointment. That I am not enough and I'll never be enough. They say that I'm am a lousy worthless piece of shit who can't get anything right. Telling me that I deserve to even die. As the voices got louder I was mortified. I wanted to scream but nothing came out my mouth. Like I just said...they were too loud to hear anything. I tried to scream once more as my eyes began to harden. They were getting closer, the voices getting louder. My eyes became
Moist with tears and streamed down my face. Fog began to cover my face as if my head was inside a cloud. However I kept running and running. Eventually I tripped over a log and fell forward. The darkness approaching I could hear the voices say "Not enough", "worthless", "unworthy", "nothing". The whispers then became screams as I ran faster and faster. It was like one of those dreams where you try to run somewhere but no matter how fast you run, it seems like you aren't moving. Just before I can get away, something grabs my leg. The feeling made me jump and I fell to the cold ground. As I turned all I saw was the pitch black of the darkness. I wanted to let out the most bloodcurdling scream, but when I tried, nothing came out. Quickly I kicked the hand away from me and I got up. I leaned against the tree and ran from my pursuers. It didn't do anything though. As I ran the darkness put their hands on me, trying to take me in. I kept shaking it off as a ran faster, but it was no use. They grabbed me and pulled me back. My heart was pounding, my hands shaking, my throat hurting, my head light, and my palms sweaty. I dug my nails into the dirt trying to get a hold of at least a root. The strength it was giving out was unimaginable, like if had been a machine that was pulling me. My resistance of course proved futile as they covered me and pulls me away. But it just became pitch black and nothing was holding me. Hell I couldn't even see the ground, only feel it. I  couldn't hear myself when I tried to scream once more. Was this it? Was this the way I was going to die. Alone in the dark, weak and helpless. Tears began to stream down my face as I now realized that this was in fact how I was going to die. I screamed and cried as
I started to punch the ground in agony. It was too dark and I was lost.
But something was different. Usually when they get me I just go back to the dark desolate forest and run more. But this I felt something. Just before I could comprehend what it was there was a blare of white behind me. I turned around to the light and it was you. You were there actually emitting that light. It was like if you were the light. I stood up with tears in my eyes as I looked at you. I limp to you and just stared. It's been too long on the dark and it was overwhelming. As tears came I reached out slowly and you gently grabbed my hand and helped me up. You gave a soft and warming smile. Immediately I held onto you tightly bursting into tears. I felt hope for the first time in a very long time. For once there was a light in my darkness. And that light was you. You became my Love my life my light.

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