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" Your ' winter attire ' aside, how long are you going to be gone?", asked Godhardt. Heidimarie in form fitting, spandex pants, leather

boots, Pink Turtleneck, woven top, stocking cap, baclavar, and gloves replied, " Don't know. Depends on how much it will continue to

snow. I'll call, to let you know, if I need help." Then, she opens the entry way closet, grabs a long, field, backpack, and snowboard.

She wrapped up the lower part of her face, and wrapped part of the top of her head. She looked towards her husband, used her

eyes, to let him know, ' Good - bye, I love you. ' Then, she opened the front door, hopped on the board, and slid away.

' Good luck, my Heidimarie.', thought Godhardt.

" Two of our Agents, is snowed in at Aitheria. Thus, I had to call in, Yuudachi. And, I had to 'deputize' Mister Germot. So, we have a full

team. ", said Christina. Then, Barkhorn's phone went off. " Barkhorn... *** . Grab your stuff, robbery."

The tiny Blonde girl, looked out the tall, glass lined, doors to the back gardens. " You know Americans, in most parts, call this a

'snow day'.', said Naoe. " What do you do on, 'snow days '?", asked Hildie. Naoe smiled and said, " Let's get some egg nog, snacks,

and XBoX."

Godhardt, opened the front door, to see Hedimarie rush in. " I just barely gotten out of The General Store, before things gotten

really bad.", said Heidimarie shivering for a bit. She leaned the snowboard against the closet door, and started to take off her

boots. Goldhardt, help off with her pack. " My word, did you buy out the store? ", asked Godhardt. " Nope. Just focused on my list,

and got what is needed.", replied Heidimarie.

" H - he had a mask. He pointed a gun in my face, and took my purse.", said the woman. " Just like, yesterday.", said Yoshika.

" Same M.O., Hit places with least activity, least amount of cameras, get what you want, and get out fast.", said Christina.

" Have Perinne, go over any camera footage. Let's get this idiot. "

" Just like, Yesterday. Stocking mask, 45. - like pistol to the face, takes purse, and runs off.", said Perinne.

" I would like to meet the one who, wrote the 'textbook' on the robbery subject, and handcuff him.", said Wiese. " I'm sure those in this

office, shares the sentiment.", replied Christina. " I done my own investigating, it seems our 'masked' suspect may strike in the

SouthEast District.", said Germot. " When were you, going to tell us?", asked Christina. " As soon, as I make sure my facts are accurate.

I am good at my job.", he replied. " Mister Germot. Let me be clear. I DO appreciate, you efforts. But, NO Agent investigates alone.

For now on, tell me and bring along another Agent. ", said Christina. " Now, time for an undercover OP, and I know the Agent, for it."

Then, all eyes were on Yuudachi.

The Blonde shipgirl tried to avoid the interested stares of the Males on the street. She was in White leather, wedgie sandals, and

Yellow sundress. " I don't mind being chosen, for the assignment, but do I need to dress like this?",  she asked lowly.

" Hold tight, Yuudachi. We're not far. The studs in your ears are cameras and mics. We can see and hear everything. We'll make a

move soon enough. Head to the First location, and stick to plan.", replied Christina.

Yuudachi, entered the small Grocer. " She's in. Turning to interior cameras. ", said Perinne. Then, they seen the Blonde on the

Store's Inner Cameras. " All right, we put out the bait, and we wait at who 'nibbles'.", said Christina.

As, they watched, they spotted someone in a 'beanie' following. " Let's move! ", said Christina.

As soon as, Yuudachi stepped out, a masked robber, tried to get her purse, but he was turned around and knocked out by, Germot,

and a Right Cross.

" We found the other purses, and where he stashed the money. So, Mr. Germot, Yuudachi, I thank you, for your hard work.", said

Christina. "It was a pleasure. And, I believe I learned a thing or two.", said Germot.

The next morning, Naoe and Heidimarie stepped into The Office. " So, enjoy your, 'snow day' ?", asked Christina.

" Hildie is a 'beast' when coming to fighting games. I think, she has a future as, a Professional Gamer.", said Naoe.

" And, Heidimarie?", asked Christina. " Well, I taught Goldhardt, something new. And, after the blizzard, I got him, a messenger bag.",

replied the Karlsland beauty.

On the newly cleared streets of Aitheria, they spotted Godhardt, 'sliding' on the snow on a 'plank' of 'wood'.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2018 ⏰

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