Sex is an important discussion

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Sex and all of it associated subjects, shouldn’t only be discuss and treat seriously, but should also be handled with extreme care. As we all need to know, different discussions and teachings about sex and it other associated subjects, has brought different things into the lives of different people.

Some simply see and take sex as the contact between the genitals of a male and female alone. In other words, there are some (if not many) who approaches the issue of sex, thinking they could grasp all what it entails from a physical perspective (or human initiative) However, sex is more than that. Sex is more than physical. Sex is more spiritual than physical. In fact, the spiritual implications and effects of sex, has the capacity of affecting other perspectives (physical, emotional, and even societal)

We should all know that spiritual things should be taken very seriously. Why because, the things which happen physically are just reflections of what has already happened and taken place spiritually. But it is so unfortunate that many are not yet taking spiritual things seriously. This explains why their lives are filled with so many troubles, which shouldn’t have originally been there. Thus, if we want to talk, discuss, or treat anything- and we want to get the main facts and truths about the thing, then let us take them from a spiritual perspective. If we want to talk, discuss, or treat sex (and any of it related topics); if we want to get the main facts and truths about sex (and any of it related topics); then we should take them from the spiritual perspective.

Sex has lots of capacities. Sex can turn a young focused youth into an irresponsible fellow. Sex can kill a bright future. Sex has the capacities of shattering dreams. Sex can destroy destinies. Sex can spoil hopes. Sex can turn expectations into ruins. Sex can turn something that originally has meaning into what has no meaning. It can turn something valuable into something worthless. It can turn something precious into complete rubbish. Sex can make something good to become something bad. It can turn something lovely into what everyone will start despising.

Just as it could influence one’s progress in life, it could bring stagnancy to one’s life. Just as it can enhance the relationship between a husband and his wife, it can also cause separation between a husband and his wife. Sex can determine the outcome of a courtship. It has the capacity to determine the degree of happiness and satisfaction in so many homes and marriages. Sex has the capacity to determine the progressive level of an individual. Sex has so many capacities.

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God bless you. Amen.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2014 ⏰

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