Mistletoe And Pepper Spray

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If there's one situation I never thought I'd get in, it was this.

You see, I was, well...under the Mistletoe.

With a boy.

But not just any boy. Oh no, this was one guy I'd never even dreamed about being with.

Under the mistletoe, I mean...

But that's off topic. The real question is: How the heck did I get here? It all started with flour. Flour and Pepper Spray.


Earlier that day


"But Mamaaaaan!" I moaned from upstairs while scrolling through my phone, and all of my missed text messages from Alya. She's a notorious texter, and if my phone dies (like it did today) I often come back to twenty or so missed texts about who-knows-what.

"Marine-ette! We need to finish this order!" My mother called from under the trapdoor.

"But it's Christmas Eve! Pleeeaseeee Maman!" I called back, turning to the trapdoor just as it opened and my flour-covered mother poked her head in.

"It'll only be a minute, sweetheart. Please?" She asked, and I sighed, knowing I couldn't argue.

Time to leave Lazy-Teenager-Land and get going to Productive-Teenager-Land (A place very rarely visited by most)

"Fine," I sighed, and got out of my cocoon of happiness and warmth, preparing to go out into the cold outside. It was one of those days where it wasn't quite snowy, but it was still frigid. After doubling up on socks, pants, gloves, and jackets, (along with a heavy coat) I scrambled down the stairs, and my mother shoved a list and some cash in my hand.

"Okay, Marinette, I need two and a half bags of flour. We're almost out. there's just enough cash in your hand to buy all of that." She patted my cheek. "be careful out there!" she said, and I started out the door. "Don't slip! Don't talk to strangers! Don't let anyone rob you! And if you need Pepper Spray, I put some in your bag!"

I rolled my eyes, thinking she was joking but when I checked my bag later, slightly panting from the run to the store, I found out that she had indeed put a small bottle of pepper spray in my bag. I grinned a little at her protectiveness, before shrugging and pushing open the door to the small grocery store.


Twenty minutes later


I grinned triumphantly as I exited the store, three bags of flour stacked atop each other in my arms. The store had been out of plastic bags (probably due to last minute Christmas shopping) but I knew I could make it. I was Ladybug, after all.

The sun had already set, and the sky was glowing pinkish orange. There were clouds gathering above me, dark with snow.

As I started on my way home, my boots clacked on the sidewalk, which was cold but not yet icy. unfortunately, I soon felt my boots sliding slightly and unsteadily. For a while, all I could hear was my footsteps.

Then I heard more than just my footsteps.

Tap, tap, tap, tap...it went on and on, a steady rhythm that matched my own. I knew what it was.

Someone was following me.

How was I not surprised? I mean, I'm just a short defenseless teenager who is alone on the streets.

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