A Tale of 5 FanGirls

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Zoey's POV

...I wanna stay up all night and jump around until we see the sun...

Was it really 8 o'clock already? It had been a late night with the girls. We all went to the club as a celebration for finally graduating high school.

So I slowly began the slow groggy walk to the kitchen. "Good morning, Sunshine!" Aurora said, already reading a magazine with her morning coffee. How can she look so pretty so early in the morning. Her long brown hair was up in a messy pony and her bright blue eyes were sparkling. She wasn't too tall but had long legs. So jealous. I wasn't bad looking but definitely not as gorg as Rorie (her nickname). I had blonde hair and greenish gray eyes. I was very short, around 5'3" to be exact.

"No one else up yet?" I asked, digging around in the fridge for my soy milk. She laughed, cause I already knew the answer. Rorie and I were always the first ones up. Us and 3 of our best friends lived in an apartment together in the populated city of Chicago.

"Can I blast some tunes, or are you not awake enough for that?" She said, searching for her iPod in the black abyss she calls her purse. "I don't care. Play it loud, maybe the other lovely ladies will make an appearance before 11."  She giggled and plugged it into the speakers that blasted all around the house, including our rooms.

You're insecure, don't know what for. You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or!

We started jumping around the kitchen screaming to the lyrics we knew so well. We were major directioners, the lot of us. Been there since Torn. I've always had the hugest crush on Liam. We were all heartbroken when the lads had broken up with their girlfriends, but there was that little part of us that was excited cause we might have a chance with them.


We heard an annoyed groan come from one of the rooms. Someone was awake. Footsteps came from the last room. Gwen. Oh goodness. This was gonna be good.


Finally she was done. She sat down and put her head on the counter. "Want some orange juice, Gwennie?" She put her thumb up so we figured that was a yes. Rorie went into the fridge, to find some.


Ella's POV 

I heard quite a ruckus going on down the hall. There was screaming of WMYB lyrics, then there was Gwen screaming. I think I'll get ready before going down to face my crazy roomies. We had all been best friends since the first day of K5. Since then we've been attached at the hip.

I tried to fix the crazy curly thing on the top of my head I call hair but it wasn't working so I just straightened it. My dark brown eyes were smudged with make up. Damn. I  always forget to wash it off before I go to sleep. 

I wiped it off and decided I looked well enough to go get breakfast. I didn't like people seeing me when I didn't look good. I was very self-conscious. 

All the girls told me I shouldn't be cause I was gorgeous, but I really couldn't help thinking that I wasn't good enough. I knew who to blame for that, but he was in my past.

Anyways, I skipped into the kitchen where most of my friends were sitting, already eating breakfast. "Hello, ladies!" I said, pulling a stool up next to Gwen, who looked as though she was still suffering from last nights events.

"Ugh, why are you so peppy?!" Gwen said, her face pressed against the cold, flat counter. Even with a major hangover, Gwennie was still so pretty. She had long straight red hair and bright green eyes with freckles splattered across her face. I was so jealous.

At our high school, our group of friends was called "The Pretties". We weren't popular or anything, that's just what they called us. We really didn't mind.

We all sat there waiting for the last girl of group to wake up, and that was Luna. She was usually the last one to wake up. 

Finally, at around 11:05 am, the queen finally arose from her bed. We could tell too, cause we heard her feet hit the floor and she groaned loud enough for all of Chicago to hear her.

"Why am I up so damn early?" She said, as she laid on the couch in the living room. Zoey and Rorie jumped over the couch and sat on her. "Good Morning, cutie!" They laughed, as she flailed her arms, trying to get them off her.

I laughed and Gwen covered her ears. She never was good with hangovers. "Get off me you fatties!"   she said, pushing them onto the floor. They jokingly gasped and Zoey fake cried into Rorie's shoulder. "How hurtful!" She said, slapping LuLu's leg.

Luna jumped off the couch trying to fix her hair quick. "Gah, it looked terrible enough without you guys messing it up even more." She said, running her fingers through her hair, trying to fix it.

We laughed as she ran to the nearest mirror. "I swear, Lu, you're the female version of Zayn!" Aurora yelled from where she was laughing on the floor. Luna blushed a bright red, "Ha! I wish." 

As she finished fixing her hair, we all sat in the living room to watch a little TV. I swear we all had a heartattack when the phone rang. "Jesus! Can someone answer that before my ears bleed!" Gwen said as she laid in Luna's lap.

"Got it!" Rorie said, jumping up from the couch. "Hello, this is "The Pretties". How can I help you?" She said, smiling. We always answered like that. "Now this is Aurora, who's speaking?" She paused waiting for an answer. Her eyes got wide. "Okay, one second. LuLu its for you!"

Luna lifted Gwen off her lap and reached for the phone. "Hello this Luna. How can I help you?" Then her eyes got wide. "ARE YOU SERIOUS!? OHMYGOD THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" Then she listed off our address and all of our names. We all looked at each other, confused as hell.

Then all of a sudden she slammed the phone into the reciever and fangirled like I have never seen her fangirl before.

I jumped up and grabbed her shoulders, trying to get her to speak. "LuLu, you know I love you and don't take this personally, but what the fuck is wrong with you?"

 She grabbed my face and , I kid you not, screamed in my face, "WE WON AN "UP ALL NIGHT" SLEEPOVER WITH ONE DIRECTION!"



Yes, a new fanfic! Just popped into my head. What do you guys think? 5 votes for the next chapter. Comment and tell me what you think. Who wants to be the five girls? :) Just comment and tell me which one you wanna be.

Love you guys!


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