Allegiant Fan Epilogue

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"Why did you get that one ?" I asked Caleb.
"Well, when Tris got it she said it was for each member of our family she'd left behind. I got it for each member who have left me behind..." He stopped rubbing the inside of his arm where the three birds seemed to be in flight.
"Deep." I said bluntly. I couldn't help but feel like it was partially his fault that she was dead, even though I knew she wouldn't want me blaming him if she were here. It was, after all, the ultimate sacrifice in Abnegation to show you loved someone. But we aren't in Abnegation. And there's still that part of my head that thinks 'it should've been Caleb'.

Little Tris came in through the door, lunch box swinging at her side. God she looked so much like her mom. She had the same blond hair that fell down and around her small shoulders, the same bright eyes.
"Daddy !" She ran across the room to us and I scooped her up in my arms. "Hey Uncle Caleb."
I put her on my hip
"So what did you learn in school today, Tris ?"
"We learned about this thing called the 'faction system'. Have you heard of it daddy ?" Her voice was so light, so innocent, yet it hit me like a slap in the face. The memories of wounded lips and salted cheeks came flooding back and suddenly I couldn't swallow passed the lump in my throat
"Um, yes. I have actually." I regretted saying it as soon as the words escaped. I knew what was coming next.
"We also learned about this girl with the same name as me ! Although, her name was Tris Prior, not Tris Eaton."
'It could've been', I felt like saying and then Caleb shot me a glance that said 'OH NO!'
"She saved the city. None of us would be here if it wasn't for her. She sounded AWESOME !"

'She was' I felt like saying again but bit back the words. I shook off the thought when I realised she was speaking again.
"Sorry honey, what did you say ?"
She giggled "I said, I think you'd be in Erudite. Because you're smart." Caleb let out a noise that was somewhere between a stifled laugh and a smirk.
"Yeah right." He said, then as if trying out the word for the first time "Pansycake."
"I was Dauntless," I said to no-one in particular, "Tris I think it's time we told you something," I bit into my lower lip and tried to hold back the tears that I knew were inevitable. "You're Uncle Caleb and I were in the Chicago Experiment. Both of us were born Abnegation, then I transferred to Dauntless and Caleb to Erudite. Your mother was- your mom was Beatrice Prior. And I loved her with all my heart . We were Four and Six. We were Divergent. We were brave. We had each other..." I couldn't hold the tears back any longer and they came tumbling down my cheeks.
Caleb touched my shoulder lightly.
"It's okay Tobias." He turned to look at Tris, "You remind us so much of her. You'll grow up to be just like your mother."


She was Selfless, She was Brave [an Allegiant fan epilogue]Where stories live. Discover now