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It was the age of the gods. Notch and some other Minecraft gods were helping all the mortal builders and all mortal traders banish a monstrous  beast called the Ender dragon to a whole other world!It had been destroying oceans, mountains, and villages. Everyone had gotten tired of rebuilding everything over and over again. They were seconds away from banishing it then all of a sudden it exploded into hundreds of purple particles then Notch placed a magical block called a command block under all of the particles and after he did the particles swirled above it like a tornado up to the clouds and in a blink of an eye it vanished into the command block. Notch put the command block in a fortress in a dimension called the Nether. Quickly rumors spreed about where the Ender dragon got banished to and notch answered that question. The answer was that he had been banished to a dimension called the End!

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