The Platelet Story

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Hello guys, you are now reading the one-shot Cells at Work story, after the show ended I'm been thinking a story for platelet-chan because not so many have been creating story of the cute platelets. So here it is hope you like it.

I don't own Cells at Work

It was a day we're the platelets have their day off from their job and they can play and rest. Platelet-chan and her friends are in the bone marrow playing with the young red blood cells, while their playing Platelet-chan spotted her favorite onee-chan; AE3803 with her sempai and her kohai walking in the bone marrow, she called them.

"Ohayou onee-chan" Platelet-chan said.

"Waah! Platelet-chan it's nice to see you" AE3803 said.

She poked her cheek like last time making Platelet-chan giggling of tickles in her cheek.

"You got me again" Platelet-chan said giggling.

"Ahh! Your so cute" AE3803 said.

"Play with us please!" Platelet-chan said.

"What do you think sempai, let's play with them" AE3803 said.

"Sure! What about you NT4201" AA5100 said.

"Hai" NT4201 said with a small smile.

The three red blood cells are now playing with the platelets, playing tag, hide and seek, and etc. Even in good times it will have an ended. The three red blood cells say goodbye to the platelets, AE3803 crying hard comically to say goodbye to the platelets.

"Waahh! Goodbye Platelet-chan" AE3803 said.

As the day pass not so much happened to them, until white blood cells unexpected visit in the bone marrow, Platelet-chan see her onii-chan drinking tea, she called them.

"Hello onii-chan" Platelet-chan said.

"Oh hi Platelet-chan how all of you all doing?" U-1146 ask.

"We're fine" Platelet-chan said.

"Good" U-1146 said.

"Onii-chan can we ride in your shoulders with other onii-chan?" Platelet-chan ask.

"Of course, what about you guys? U-1146 ask to his team.

"Count me in" U-4989 said.

"Me too" U-2626 said.

"Hai" U-2048 said.

As they pick up the platelets and put them in their shoulders, the platelets cheered to the white blood cells. The platelets enjoy playing with white blood cells, but their sensor turn on signaling a bacteria are nearby, the white blood cells say goodbye to the platelets, making the platelets sad.

Next Day

Platelet-chan is walking to the viens to kill her boredom staying in bone marrow, as she was walking she see Helper T cell walking to his office with his assistance Regulatory T cell, B cell and Mast cell arguing just like married couple, she see Memory cell reading a lot of books in the ground, Eosinophil patrolling the area, Basophil walking to the stomach and NK Cell leaping in building to building it was great day. As she walking she was in a big tree where Dendritic cell live she see him and wave to him saying hi. As she walk farther she was in the Thymic training ground, she see the plain sand and then an idea pop to her head, she begun to work.

An Hour Later.

Killer T cell is just walking in the Thymic training ground as he spotted a sand sculptures of mermaid, teddy bear, castle and etc. He is confused who is making the sand sculptures, then he spotted Platelet-chan making a sand house, he approach her.

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