Chapter 1

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                    *** Author's Note ***

[ Hi guys. It's me...  After ages. I know this is looooooong overdue and I am truly so sorry. Bet most of you have already forgotten what happened in the first two parts of this series. But anyways here it is : the last part of the Enraptured series. Although I'm posting this after around 11 months since the end of part 2, this part is really short and (maybe sweet... or not LOL). Just 5 chapters (that I'm posting all at once so you guys won't have to wait any longer), but it is the end I planned for this series even before I started writing a single word. I apologize in advance if this part seems rushed. It might feel more like a summary of events compared to the first 2 parts. But if I keep dragging this on, I feel that I may never get to complete this story (although I truly wish I had more time to put in for this part to give it the length it deserves.)

And thinking about the fact that this is my first and last YuZhou story gives me a bittersweet feeling. I truly enjoyed writing this story and I hope it brought you guys joy (and gave you a variety of feels etc etc) because ultimately that is every author's desire.

Thank you SO MUCH for every single one of you who's been invested in this story. You guys  gave me the motivation to continue this till the end. Thank you for all the votes and comments. 💖💖💖   

Never stop smiling. This is not Goodbye...

Enjoy!                         ]

                                    Chapter 1

It was a rainy day in contrast to the previous few days that were extremely hot. Weizhou carried in the last box of his belongings to the apartment. Partially drenched from the several meters he had to walk from his car to the building's entrance, he headed to the bathroom to grab a towel and rinse off his hair. The view through the window caught his attention, making him walk towards it. The cityscape was shrouded in darkness to a certain extent, and the raindrops scattered across the window pane. Typically this would be the type of atmosphere that would leave one feeling gloomy and depressed even without a valid reason, but Weizhou's lips curved into a smile.

He was still marveling at the soothing sight of the rain reducing to a slight drizzle, when his phone started ringing.

"Hey...Yes, I managed to bring everything don't worry." He smiled.

He listened to the voice on the other end before speaking again. "Nah I got this. Don't worry. I'll order some takeout."

After hanging up, he sat down on the sofa in the small living area. As he started taking in everything around him, he was reminded of his dorm back in college.

            *** flashback to 3 years ago ***

Weizhou was pasting the posters of some of his favorite bands on the wall, when his new dorm mate's voice startled him.

"Hi!! Wow you're already making yourself at home I see." The boy beamed.

"Oh hi...Are you my...."

"Yeah I'm your roommate. I'm SuJoon by the way." The tall boy held out a hand.

"Weizhou."  He shook the boy's hand. "Are you...Korean?"

The boy sighed. "It's the name isn't it?"

Weizhou narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out a respectful way to respond.

"One of my grandmothers is Korean. So I guess technically I'm only like 25% Korean."

"Ohhh.." Weizhou acknowledged with a nod.

"Sorry I'm babbling aren't I-  I'll let you get back to it.". he gestured towards the wall.

"No that's okay." Weizhou giggled.

It was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. SuJoon was unlike any other friends weizhou had met. He was dorky and modest despite having an incredibly high IQ.  Weizhou always went to him for advices just about everything because the boy was wise beyond his years. But what was endearing was how SuJoon always came to him to whine about his long time crush to whom he'd been afraid to confess.

"But he's one of your best friends, he'd understand even if he doesn't feel the same way." Weizhou ensured.

"No I don't wanna risk losing him. I'd rather have him in my life like this than not at all." SuJoon stated emotionally.

His words struck a cord with Weizhou. His mind wondered back to an event that occurred a couple of weeks back.

Although he was very close to SuJoon, Weizhou had a group of friends from his batch that he hung out with. One of them named Emori was eager to introduce her boyfriend who was 2 years their junior. When it did happen, Weizhou felt his world shift. The boy, although had visibly matured, was unmistakably recognizable to him.

"Wow what a small world." The boy had said bitterly upon recognizing him.

"You two know each other?" Emori had ended up asking, confused by her boyfriend's reaction.

"Yep. He used to date my brother." The boy had answered without averting his steely gaze from Weizhou.

Saying that his friends were shocked to hear that he ever dated a boy would be an understatement. Weizhou had managed to conceal that side of him from everyone, up until that point.

Weizhou had excused himself and escaped into the comfort of his room, urging SuJoon to start whining again about his crush to keep himself distracted. There was something adorable about the way SuJoon kept admiring his crush with a dreamy look in his eyes. Weizhou had seen pictures of the cute boy, and he couldn't blame SuJoon for being so whipped. On more than one occasion SuJoon had inquired if Weizhou was interested in anyone as well., but he always admitted that he was not and refused to mention anything about his past relationships.

A week later, their batch was organizing a beach party and Weizhou and a couple of others from his friends circle were required to pay a quick visit to Emori's boyfriend's apartment to collect some liquor that was purchased in advance.

Although weizhou was far from being thrilled about it, he had no choice. The past was past after all right? But it was  only when they got there that Weizhou realized that the universe was out to get him.

Upon knocking, the apartment's door was not opened by the person they were expecting. It was his brother instead.

It was beyond awkward seeing him again after almost 3 years. Unlike the last time that he saw him for the first time after a long period, this time Weizhou didn't feel any anger or pain.

Weizhou's friends were in a hurry to leave once they got hold of the stuff, so he prompted them to go ahead, saying he'll be right behind.

" he like?" Weizhou began.

JingYu giggled. "Yes he did. He just casually mentioned meeting you once."

"So do you live here too?"

"No...Just crashing here for a couple of days because my apartment is under some construction."

Weizhou raised an eyebrow.

"Long story." JingYu brushed it off with a smirk.

Weizhou nodded in understanding. "ermm I should get going."

"Sure. See you around." JingYu smiled.

Weizhou smiled and started walking away while JingYu still watched him by the door.

Abruptly weizhou turned around. "Let's grab a drink sometime...and catch up."

JingYu let his words sink in before a smile graced his face again. "Sounds good to me."

"EARTH TO WEIZHOU" SuJoon's voice snapped weizhou back to the present.

"Hey..sorry." Weizhou muttered guiltily.

SuJoon shook his head at his silliness.

"You know what? You're right. It doesn't have to be all or nothing." Weizhou responded to SuJoon's previous statement.

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