|| Disclaimer ||

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|| Warning ||

I'm a cat, that means I write with my paws, so please overlook any grammatical errors and misspelled words or you can just blame it on autocorrect if you want.

I'm also dumb most of time, so ignore the plot holes if you ever stumble in one, also I'm lazy, like any other cats, so I won't be having a schedule on when I will be updating this book. I just read too many 'System Novels' recently. #inspired
(*ฅ́ ˘ ̀ฅ*)

|| Attention ||

All pictures I use in this book are not mine they belong to their respective owners, unless written so. I just got them from Pintrest and Google.

I don't know if I would be writing any smexy scenes.. but I hope my owner wouldn't catch me writing one or I'm screwed!

And if you're homophobic, just please get the hell out of here and don't effin' come back unless you become a fujoshi/fudanshi but for now, get the hell out of here. (^●ω●^)/

Homophobic person: Jeez! Why so rude..

But I said please.. (=^●ᆺ●^=)

So yeah, enjoy reading, I guess.. Wait what do cats sounds like? Uhm, nya? ~ฅ(⌯͒• ɪ •⌯͒)ฅnya~ン❣

Okay bye! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

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