Nobody Gets Me

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~Entry One~

Hello...erm...I'm Caitlyn....this is my personal notebook....well, in that case, a diary....I'll erm..tell you about me

I go to Wood Heights Middle School

I'm a target for uh...bullying...

I have 2 great friends! Jackson Jones and Toby Wild.

I have a mental disorder, which makes the room I'm standing in well...look like a Civil War....but I'm the murderer...

My brother basically hates me...

My two great friends? They both kinda hate me...

₩Caitlyns Pov₩

Caitlyn grabbed her bag and walked down her steps, a bandage wrapped around her black eye. Her dad hugged her and told her "Love you", he grabbed his keys and followed her out the door. She walked towards her bus stop, her short brown hair blew in the wind. She sat on the bench, listening to her two friends talk and laugh, talk and laugh....tAlK aNd LaUGH...she shook the thought from her head.

~Recording One~

Hello? Does this thing work? Okay...I'm guessing it does...anyway....*CRASH*...o-oh god. I only have a few minutes...listen...there's something....somebody...whatever it lives in the forest,it feeds off either murder or fear....that's why its so strong...j-just listen,never go off into the woods at night...especially if you have some sort of...mental could control you more easily....never make deals with strangers in the'll be in debt to this...this...thing...whatever it is...I'll calls it...I don't even have a name for it....*CRASH*...oh god...

¤Tobys Pov¤

X Entry One X

God...I'm A terrible person...I can't believe I gave them her secrets....poor Caitlyn...Jackson said not to worry, just go on with the prank...lead Caitlyn into the woods...dump water on her...and spill some other stuff on her...

ΩStill Tobys PovΩ

Toby and Jackson walked towards Caitlyn's house, they walked up the stone steps, Toby studied the beautifully patterned rug as Jack rung the doorbell. Caitlyn dad answered, he told them he'd go get her, about a minute later she came down, "Let's go"Jack said

🌹Caitlyns Pov🌹

Before I had left I grabbed a kitchen knife, I felt like I needed it. It fitted in my pocket perfectly, I walked out the door towards the forest with Jack and Toby. Toby and Jack talked about useless stuff, like girls they like...people they ship together. Like Lily and Justice, Grayson and Alexis, who were already dating, which is a bit funny at times. We went and entered the forest, only to go deeper and deeper, until they stopped at a broken down cabin, the people I HATE most were there."Hey dearrrrr~" Said Jessie, the queen bee of our school. Her best friend, Sora, stood there her white hair shone brightly, she was texting on her phone. Then, Susan, she was smarter than both of them, she also hated both of them. Jessie then walked over and shoved me on the ground, then everybody but Susan started kicking me or throwing stuff on me, Susan looked frustrated. She pulled something out and crept behind Jessie, she brought to her back and stabbed it right through, Jessie's eyes went wide, a crimson liquid slowly fell onto my white shirt.

(A/N: REEE I'm so sorry my dear little children! I screwed up and published a chapter ahead from the first chapter! I'm such a dork at times! °///° ohhhh and by the waayyy...I have a story called After Life, please look at it I have a dog to feed. I don't have a dog though.)

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