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I don't own Harry Potter!!! I only own Rose Evans and what happens to her.

Rose Evans was a beautiful child. A round face, full red lips, long reddish blonde hair, and bottle green eyes. Despite her beauty, she always seemed to be the forgotten child. Her parents loved her, there was never any doubt of that, but they paid less attention to her than to her sisters, Petunia and Lily.

Petunia was very cruel to Lily because of the middle sister's magic and good looks. But, for a time, she was kind to Rose. She hoped that her baby sister would be normal, like her. But it was not to be.

"Rosie!" Her father called "Will you fetch the mail please?"

"Sure Dad!" Rose Evans got up from the couch where she had been reading a book. She hurried outside to get the letters, hopping from foot to foot as she had neglected to put on shoes. Quickly she grabbed the mail from the mail box and made a mad dash for the door, desperate to get away from the chilly walk.

"Here you go Dad." Rose passed her father the envelopes.

"Thank you dear." Her father put on his reading glasses "Ah! Lily's school letter is here, would you call her for me?"

"Of course." Rose was walking to the stairs when she heard the crash of her father's coffee cup on the table, turning back she rushed into the kitchen "Dad? What is it? What happened?"

Trembling, he held out a letter, addressed to her in emerald green ink. Her hands shaking she took it, turned it over, and saw the same crest that had appeared on her middle sister's letter last year. After a long moment she breathed deeply and let out an excited squeal. One that brought both her sisters rushing down the stairs to find out what was the matter.

"Rosie!" Lily cried "What is it?"

Rose was now twirling around the kitchen in joy, clutching the letter to her chest. But, hearing her sister, spun towards the redhead and held the letter out to her.

"My letter?" Lily asked, confused.

"Not yours Lily! Mine!" Rose squeaked happily.

Lily gasped and grabbed her sister, jumping up and down in joy. Petunia, however, stayed silent. When Rose turned to her oldest sister, she saw the hatred that had always been directed at Lily present in her eyes.

"So?" Petunia seethed quietly "So? There's another freak in the family." She turned sharply and, nose high in the air, stalked back to her room.

"Lily?" Rose asked after a moment.

"Yes Rose?"

"Will Tuney hate me now?" Rose had tears in her eyes.

"No. She shouldn't at least. And anyways, I don't hate you. Mum and Dad don't hate you. We love you and always will." Lily assured the teary sister "Come on! We have to tell Sev!" And she pulled Rose out of their house, calling to their parents to tell them where they were going.

They ran down the road towards Spinners End, where Lily's best friend Sev, lived. They reached the big dark house Severus Snape lived in and Lily knocked on the door. They heard shouting inside before a hook-nosed, shallow skinned woman opened the door.

"Oh, it's you. What do you want?" Mrs. Snape asked rudely.

"Good morning Mrs. Snape." Lily smiled "Is Severus home?"

"He's down at the park." And the door slammed in their faces.

"Thank you." Lily called through the door "Come on Rosie." She turned to her sister "Let's go find him."

They walked down to the park, it was small, with only a swing set, slide, a lake, and monkey bars. But they spent a lot of time there anyways. Sev was standing by the lake, shredding leaves and tossing them into the water.

"Sev!" Lily called and he turned around.

"Hi Lily." He grinned, then noticed Rose standing beside her sister "Hi Rose. How are you?"

"I'm doing okay. Just kidding I'm doing great!" Rose jumped up and down "I got my Hogwarts letter!"

"That's amazing! Congratulations!" Sev smiled and clapped her on the back "What house do you want to be in?"

"Gryffindor! Like Lily!" She sang.

Sev laughed at her childish actions and said proudly "Well, I recommend Slytherin. That's my house. House of Ambition. Merlin himself was a Slytherin!"

"Really?!" Rose's eyes went wide "That's so cool!"

"Of course, if you're in Gryffindor you have to deal with Potter and his friends." Severus sighed.

"Ugh!" Lily groaned "They're all such pains!"

"Who?" Rose asked confused.

"Just a bunch of rude, mischief makers in Gryffindor." Severus rolled his eyes "They like to play pranks on me, specifically."

"That's awful!" Rose gasped "Why don't the teachers stop them?"

"Potter and his pals are good enough to not get caught." Lily explained.

"Well congratulations again on getting into Hogwarts, Rose." Sev smiled "I better be getting home, I'll see you tomorrow and we can tell you all about Hogwarts."

"Okay. Bye Sev." The girls waved goodbye to their friend as he made his way back home. Soon after, the two girls headed back themselves. Their parents were thrilled at their youngest daughter being accepted to Hogwarts and they made all her favorite foods for dinner to celebrate. But Petunia stayed in her room, sulky and angry.

Word count:894 words
Yay! New story! I love love love LOVE Harry Potter so I hope you like it. Thanks for reading. Don't forget to comment, vote, and add to your reading lists!!!
The Author

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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