Chapter 1

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     I stared into the mirror carefully applying my Ruby Woo lipstick, always being sure to color inside the lines. My hazel eyes stared back at me filled with focus. I had to look perfect for my husband's office party which was more like some kind of small-scale met gala. My husband, Hezekiah Kinglaw, is a lawyer in one of the largest firms in Chicago. He prides himself on taking cases that seem "unbeatable". And somehow he always wins them.
My oldest children are 14 years old. I was only 19 when I had my twin daughter and son, Alia and Alec. The twins' father was a no good nigga from around the way who kept denying my kids were his even though we were basically in a relationship when I got pregnant. Typical niggas. As a woman, you always gotta choose between two different kinds of niggas: the one that can provide for you and give you a life well above what you've ever wanted or you settle for the nigga that can make you laugh, that you can talk to, and vibe with, but you acknowledge the successful lifestyle you crave will never be given to you. Most women choose the love. I chose the life.
A year after giving birth to the twins I met Hezekiah. I had just left an interview so I was looking my best scrolling my email in the local Starbucks. He asked to join me and my first instinct was "ew no", but after looking him over again and assessing his outfit I could tell he was important. His gray suit jacket had $650 cuff links on them. I know because they were the same as the ones I saw my brother pawn after he hit a major lick. We ate good for a while after that. Hezekiah was tall about 6'4, slender, his skin was a caramel brown. His glasses made him look childlike and eager to learn. I allowed him to join me and this began our relationship. He had just passed his bar exam and had yet to find a firm he would intern with, but everyone was dying to have their hands on this young black prodigy.
    "Alia, didn't I tell you to wear the champagne colored sandals? Take those white ones off you look like it's your baptism day"
"Ma, what happened to self expression? Why do I have to wear what you tell me to?"
"I don't feel like arguing. Wear what I told you to wear and if even a hair is out of place you will feel me later"
     Hezekiah entered the room his smell filled my nostrils before I could see him. The man always smelled sooooo good. "Hi, my favorite husband" I looked up at him innocently. He pecked my lips softly trying not to smudge my lipstick "I'm your only husband, I hope". I chuckled lightly. His jokes were never really funny. I was never really in love with Hezekiah, but seducing my husband kept my bills paid and kept my kids well taken care of. When I met Hezekiah he was inexperienced, sexually. I built him up. I would ride him until my knees collapsed and suck him dry. When he would arrive from work I would have food cooked, house clean, and be ready in lingerie for whatever it was that he wanted to do. My grandmother always told me you have to submit to your man if you want him to lead you. He was sweet, though. He didn't take advantage of me being so willing to please. He was just as willing. With practice, he eventually caught up to my level and knew exactly what spots to touch, lick, or suck to make me cum. It started to feel less like my duty and maybe, just maybe I loved him a little.
    After I made sure Alia, Alec, and Hezekiah & I's 7 year old son, Hayden, looked their best we all made it our way outside to the Rolls Royce we really only drove when there was an important event. Alia was being a brat because she wanted to have a sleepover tonight of all nights when we were going to find out if Hezekiah had finally made partner. I had no doubt in my mind that he would. His spot had basically been secured from the start, but with one of the old partners retiring he finally had the shot of a lifetime.
     We arrived to the venue and made our way to the ballroom where the party was being held. We were fashionably late to ensure everyone noticed our entrance, but not too late that it would reflect poorly on Hezekiah. I saw a familiar face in the crowd as I was mingling with other guests.
"Hi, Treasure?" I said looking at her inquisitively. She looked up surprised. 

"Deesha! It's been years. How are you?!"

We chat for a while before my husband pulled me away notifying me that it was almost time for them to reveal the newest partners name. They called Hezekiah to the stage and the crowd went wild for him, especially Alia, Alec, Hayden, and I. Hezekiah gave his speech and we were ready to go home. The past 8 years he has been with this firm we were waiting on this very moment and finally, it had come. After we got home, I ran through the house trying to get the kids to bed so I could put it down on my Husband after such a great night. 

"Hey, partner", I grinned.

"Deesha, This is amazing. Like a high I can't come down off."

"I know baby you've been working so long to get here", I said straddling his lap and kissing his neck. His dick rose to attention just as i suspected and i began kissing him deeply while stroking his dick. His head fell back in pleasure and i jumped at the opportunity to suck on his neck. He reached up and stopped me "Wait...", he said. I stopped to listen, but mostly to catch my breath.

"Who was that girl you were talking to at the party? You two seemed to know each other very well"

"Oh, she's just a friend from high school. We lost touch soon after I left. Why?" I studied the look on his face trying to figure out why he wanted small talk when i was trying to take his soul. He was quiet for a few too many seconds before he finally spoke again.

"I don't mean no disrespect, but I want her. I mean, i want yall.. together. You think you can make that happen for me?"

I was so shocked. My husband was asking me for a threesome. Yet, I was kinda proud. He was not the same nerdy kid I met 13 years ago with no sexual knowledge. He was fine, he was successful, he was paid, and he was feeling himself. "For you, I'll try anything", I said, "I'll see what I can do." 

He smiled widely and kissed me deeply, passionately, taking my breath away. He played with my clit and I started pouring my juices spilling onto his boxers. He slid them down and entered inside me from below, I froze waiting to adjust around his big dick before trying to ride. After a few seconds I was ready to take control. I used the headboard as a balance and began to ride him like crazy I was so into it I was about to cum right then. He stopped me and bent me over. I prepared to take every inch, but instead he began eating my pussy from the back making me squirm in ecstasy. Fuck, I was about to cry this man was eating me so good.He replaced his tongue with his dick and finally I couldn't hold my orgasm. I creamed on his dick so hard I went unconscious for a couple moments. When I got my life together I got on my knees and let him fuck my throat until I could feel his warm nut shooting down my throat. Exhausted we both laid down and I began to think. "Damn, how the fuck am I gone get this bitch to fuck us?"

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