Like Allie & Noah

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Filling my pink polka dot mug with hot water, I stir in some lemon and honey, hoping it will soothe my sore throat. Every joint in my body aches so I attempt the least amount of movement, dragging my feet across the wood flooring from the kitchen and into the theater room down the hallway. Placing my tea on the side table, I switch on the baby monitor before I wrap myself in a blanket like a burrito, ready to hunker down and get cozy. Laying my head on the side of the sofa, I wiggle my body to get comfy.

My finger pushes the buttons on the remote slowly, finding the movie I want, pressing play. Reaching for my mug, I set it against my lips, sipping the hot liquid, wincing as it stings my sore swollen throat. The beautiful piano music from The Notebook flutters against my ears, cocooning my soul in a familiar wave of calm. This movie, our movie, always makes me feel better when I am unwell.

About 35 minutes into the movie, as Noah opens the door of his dream house, showing Allie the inside, the door to the entertainment room is opened. My eyes shift in that direction, landing on Harry as he casually leans against the door frame.

"The Notebook? Feeling poorly? Or did you just miss me?" He smiles, his eyes glued to the projection screen on the wall in front of me.

"Both." My voice croaks; I pull the blanket closer to my face. Noah strips his shirt and so does Allie; they begin to kiss and come together as one on the floor.

"Allie reminds me of you during sex." Harry chuckles. "Chatterboxing away. You are never quiet, especially during sex." I can hear the smile in his voice as he teases me about my tendency to talk all day and night.

"Can you stop making fun and just hold me?" I ask.

"I'll come hold you, but you know it's true." He chuckles as he makes his way towards the sofa. Toeing off his loafers, Harry plops on the couch, patting his lap twice. I switch my position, laying my head in his lap. There is something special about having your husband's fingers run through your hair in the comforting way. I instantly feel a million times better. Safe. Protected. Cared for.

"Bug asleep?" My husband asks.

"Yes. About an hour ago. Went to sleep without a fight." I share.

"Ah, must have known you weren't feeling well." He rubs his thumb across my cheek in comfort. "I'll take her tonight." I mumble a thank you, grateful at his willingness to help even though he has a long day of meetings tomorrow. I adjust my head on his lap pulling my attention back to the movie.

Allie swims in the ocean, throwing her arms wide, proclaiming she is a bird. Asking Noah to state he is one too. Harry's hands stop moving as he speaks up. "I'll be your bird." His words are sweet and tender; his hands begin to move again. I don't need to answer, he knows I'm his too.

I can feel his body tense as he quotes the movie with Allie and Noah. "It's not in the cards for me." "What am I going to do in New York?" "Be with me!" "Are you breaking up with me?" "I don't know how this is going to work." Allie screams at Noah to leave, and Harry's hands hold his heart, as if he is feeling the pain with them.

"Ouch." I say after the scene ends, tears flowing from my feverish eyes.

"They just stomped on my heart." Harry rubs his hands down my side, giving me comfort in this heartbreak we just witnessed for the millionth time.

Lon comes into the movie and as he asks Allie on a date Harry lets out a small outburst that makes me giggle. "Don't do it, Allie. You love Noah! You know you do!" His heart and soul are invested, and it makes me smile.

The movie moves on and Lon proposes to Allie, crushing our hearts into a million pieces. "Look at that kiss, darling." Harry points to the screen. "No passion whatsoever." He lets out another sigh before yelling at the screen as if Allie can hear every word he is saying. "THERE IS A REASON NOAH'S FACE CAME TO YOUR MIND, ALLIE! NOAH IS THE ONE FOR YOU. YOU LOVE HIM. WE ALL KNOW IT. STOP LYING TO YOURSELF! LYING IS BAD." I move my hand to his thigh, patting him softly, hoping it will calm his excitement.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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