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The library was jammed packed with students, as expected, midterms were on the horizon and as Minhyuk shoved past librarians and desperate students, he found himself feeling giggly. None of that was his problem, he wasn't panicked about midterms or his GPA at all. He was more worried about enjoying his time in college, spending time with his friends and meeting people all around campus. Studying for college algebra could take a backseat, especially now that he had just been informed that he had a chance to star in the school's next original play, Viktor: Time and Trials. He spent all of his time thinking about how to impress the judges at the audition and how he could better deliver his lines. His head was always in the clouds, the only thing that took his mind away from his dreams of playing Viktor, was his girlfriend, Choi Seohyun, and his best friend, Yoo Kihyun.

Kihyun and Seohyun were always there to nag him and remind him that his tests weren't going to pass themselves, he was going to need all of their nagging to get him through this semester.

Minhyuk walked around the library aimlessly, holding a bag of McDonalds burgers and sipping his own large coke. He was supposed to meet his friends in a study room, but he had no clue where study room A was. It wasn't until he heard a door open and close behind him that he saw Seohyun standing in front of the door and looking around the library, probably for him. He headed in her direction and when she saw him she smiled warmly and snatched the bag from him, "Kihyun is gonna kill you." she planted a kiss on his lips before opening the door again and pulling him inside.

The room was small and there was a tall wooden table in the center, with chairs to match. Kihyun had his things strewn across the table and floor, looking intently at the psychology book in front of him, a bright yellow highlighter in his dominant hand. Minhyuk looked around the room, the walls were all whiteboards from the floor to the ceiling and Seohyun had used them to work a math problem. The numbers made his head spin as he sat down at the table.

Seohyun opened the bag and pulled out a burger.

"You're late." Kihyun said without even looking up.

"I brought the food, though!" Minhyuk replied

"Yeah, McDonalds. My favorite. Plus you only brought it to make up for being late, not because you wanted to." He said sarcastically as he began highlighting a passage in his textbook.

"It's cheap! And I did want to bring it, so I did." he said in defense, "Plus, you're gonna eat it anyways dummy."

"Dummy? Isn't this the third time you're taking college algebra, you bonehead." Kihyun snapped back


"Yeah. B-o-n-e-"

"Guys!" Seohyun said and the two stopped bickering, mostly because there really was no reason to fight, besides just fighting for the hell of it.

"Let's just get back to studying." She suggested and Kihyun was back at it, a burger now in his hands. Minhyuk just sat there, staring at the two, heads down in their books. He let out a loud sigh and began slurping his drink just as loud.

No one said anything and he began fidgeting and moments later he was playing Candy Crush on full volume.

"Minhyuk." Kihyun said, obviously annoyed



"Stop what?"

"Being so loud. We're trying to study. Like we planned earlier this week."

"Okay, keep studying then, don't let me stop you."

"You're disrupting the silence. Don't you have anything to study for? Like...I dunno, midterms."

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