Human's Note

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I swear, I'm not crazy. Whatever I type past this point, please keep the previous sentence in mind. Well, I suppose if you really thought me crazy, you wouldn't be taking anything I say as truth anyways. Whatever.

I got contacted by... something. It claims to have been a human once, but it's definitely not anymore. It's not exactly an alien. That would imply a physical lifeform from another planet. Whatever this thing is, it doesn't have a body. In fact, the only way I know it exists is because I heard it in my head.

Ok, that sounds crazy now that I've typed it down. A voice in my head calling itself Reliul telling me to share its stories. I can barely believe it myself, but it really happened.

So here's the story.

I was about to fall asleep when I heard a faint voice mumbling to itself in a language I didn't understand. No one else was in my room, so I uneasily checked the hallway past my door, but no one was there either.

Then the mumbling continued more clearly this time, coming from my left. My gaze shot in its direction, but, once more, no one was there. "Hello?" I cast out into the dim corridor.

The mumbling stopped. A moment of silent passed, then a wispy voice answered, "Hello?"

That was the first point of contact, and ever since the thing's been attached to me. As in, I hear it talking to me wherever I go, whatever I'm doing. It's even commenting on what I'm typing right now.

It said I'm the first lifeform it's ever been able to communicate with, so it's very excited. It's gathered up various stories from across the multiverse, and since it can't talk to other people, it wants me to tell it's stories to the world. Luckily for it, I'm willing to oblige.

It's telling me now that it wants to introduce itself, and that I should stop typing. I guess I've gone on about my part of this tale for long enough as it is.

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