Chapter 09

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Third Person's POV

Not long after, I managed to bring my luggage upstairs to my room...

"Finally! "

And I slumped down to my bed.

I decided to change the curtains because I find it somewhat.......


I picked a black and white curtain with stripes.

I went to fix my luggage and took a rest after.

*cring* *cring*

Mommiimi Calling.....

I picked it up immediately.

"Hi mooom"

I greeted through the phone.

"Did the maids got your room ready? Have you rested? Oh and eat something for dinner---".

" mommm chill... Yup my room is properly cleaned when I got here, and Matt called me for dinner so there's nothing to worry about. "

I uttered.

"That's good, I'll get going now love, okay? I have to finish my work... Love you"

"Love you too mom, bye"

And I hang up.

Walking to the closet, I noticed something under my bed..

I picked it up and it's an old box and my sentimental things is inside.

Before opening it, I decided to get ready first.

I was about to open it when Matt called and said he's already outside.

So I put it back under the bed and went out .

"You took long.. "

"No I didn't, come on. "

I said as led him to his car.

He had no choice but to follow me.

We went to their house and aunt Condre, Matthew's mom greeted me.

"Belle oh my little dumpling.. "

She said as she squished my cheek .

Oh god.

We went straight to the kitchen and started to eat.

"So... How was Korea? "

She asked.

"It's alright.. "

It's not alright.

"So about that korean guy... "

"Mom--- she doesn't wanna talk about it. "

Matthew interrupted.


I stuttered.

"Belle you don't have to answer that.... Anyway, you'r already enrolled and school starts next  week."

"Wwut?! Ughh whyy? "

I whined.

"Shut up. Now eat. "

This jerk.

After eating, Matthew drove me home and I washed myself then went to sleep.

•••••SCHOOL DAY••••••

Belle's POV

I took a deep breath before entering the school's gate.

I'm back.

Different thoughts were bothering me.

Will my friends accept me?

I erased all the negative thoughts and proceeded straight to my class.

I can feel all the stares that was shot to me.



My friend Yoli went up to me and gave me a bear hug.


"Good, I think. "


We talked for hours to catch up.

I told her all about the marriage thingy..

"Holy---so you already had sex?! "

Oh my god--

"What the fuck---No!! "

She sighed.

"what level eh? "

She teased.

"What--level?!  "

" Level 1,the puppy kind... Kiss on the cheek, hugs, lame dates. "


"Level 2, is when he kisses your lips.  And that leads to level 3."

"What's level 3?"

"It's when you're having sex...  doggy style,horse style,you decide the posi----"

"What the fuq are you saying?!  Oh my god you need jisoos. "

She just laughed and leaned back on her chair.

She nasty...

We finished all our classes and I went home first.

I went straight to my room and did some home works..


A/n ****

So next chapter will have a lot of time laps.

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