Nice To Meet You

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Peach's POV
"Beckalicious are you dressed yet? We need to head out in exactly seven minutes." I called out from Becks bedroom. I swear this girl insists on putting on make up even though I constantly tell her she doesn't need it. "Yea, one sec Peach.. I'm finishing up my mascara." I sigh and sit down then slowly fall back onto her bed. Taking in her scent from the sheets.. cinnamon my favorite. It simply drives me crazy.

Wait. What else is that smell, I quickly sit up picking up a pillow next to my head, I inhale the scent from the pillow which I quickly regretted. Cologne, and boy did it smell cheap, it couldn't of been Benji. That crackhead is allergic to one to many things for this cologne scent to be from him.

"Peach I'm ready." Is all I heard Beck say before walking into the bedroom. "What are you doing with that pillow." Beck questioned me, I quickly lied. "I was trying to figure out the scent I just love this smell, I'm considering getting for my father." I said forcing a smile. "Oh ok, well when I see Joe I can ask him where he bought it."

I got up off her bed and gave her a questioning look. "Who the hell is Joe!" I asked a little to forcefully, she glanced at me and I quickly changed my facial expression by forcing out a even harder smile. "Just some guy I slept with last night." She said grabbing her purse. I rolled my eyes, Beck can do so much better, and by so much better I mean me. I'm beautiful, I'm wealthy, I can open doors for her no one else can. Hell not to mention if she was with me she'd cum more often.
After me and Beck leave her house and she locks her down I walk towards the limo that was parked outside of Becks house. "Peach." Beck speaks out, I turn and look at her. "Can we walk please, it's such a nice today." This bitch must be crazy I'm wearing heels. I look down at my feet and she looks down also. "You can take them off while we walk." Beck says. Yea this bitch is definitely crazy, I'm not walking barefoot on the sidewalk. People and animals pee on the sidewalk.

I shake my head no. Beck sighs and does a slight pout. "Please Peach, I'll love you forever" she shakes my arm vigorously. "And I'll be your best friend for ever and ever." And just like that Beck can make my heart flutter then throw me back in the friend zone.

I pry her fingers from around arm and then she quickly grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. "Come on Peach. Plus instead of going out with the girls it can be just a us day." Beck says. I smile internally. "Fine." I sigh "We can walk and have an us day." I tell her trying not to sound so excited.
Me and Beck are walking down the street hand in hand and it makes me feel so many things. I love it. "So Beck, where are we going?" I ask. She shakes her head no, meaning she's not telling me. I giggle and roll my eyes. We walk for a few more minutes, taking in the beautiful scenery that mother nature has given us.

Beck stops in her place and I do the same. A bookstore. Beck brought me to a bookstore, I raise my eyebrow at her, showing her my confusion. She giggles and flashes me a smile. She then lets go of my hand and reaches for the door. I stop her and grab the door knob and pull the door open. She thanks me with a smile which I return.

I watch her walk in and my eyes examined her very ass very thoroughly. God I could just- I have got to snap out of it I'm pretty sure I have drool coming out of my mouth. I quickly regain my composure and walk in after her.

Beck walks in and there is a man looking her up and down, I roll my eyes and walk by in front of Beck that way the man can't see her. I hear a slight groan. I applaud myself, just after that the same man walks up Beck and I. I was about to tell him off when Beck did the unthinkable. "Hi Joe, I missed you." She planted a quick kiss on his lips, "Peach. This is Joe. Joe this is Peach." Beck are you fucking kidding me. He works at a fucking book store. This profession reeks of poor people. I say in my head. He extends his hand, and I quickly shake it. And as quick as I shake it I drop his hand and slide my hands in my back pockets.
Beck and Joe sit and talk for what seems like forever, I take out my phone and angrily tap at the screen, I bring up my text messages and click on Becks name and write.
I'm going to head home. I feel like I'm third wheeling. But besides that have fun with Joe, call me when you have time for me.

I sound awfully clingy but can you blame me? She had us cancel on our friends for this. I could of went and got a full body massage but I just had to fall for Becks constant pouting. After getting myself together I send the text message and walk out of the bookstore.

I wait outside for the bookstore for about eight minutes before my limousine pulled up. My chauffeur Daniel was about to get out of the limo when I told him it was no need and that I'd open the door myself.

As soon as I got home I kicked off my shoes and headed upstairs to my room, I took my phone out of my back pocket to see if I had any notifications, which I did. But none from Beck. I rolled my eyes and tossed my phone onto my bed then walked into the bathroom. I began to run myself a bath I filled the tub up with bubbles and as soon as it was done I hopped right in.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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