Meet tracy

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My name is Tracy , and I am a total nerd . I am also the new kid ,Which sucks ,because everyone hates the new kid, and the nerd , so , I can't wait for my first day tomorrow.

"Honey wake up " my mom said


I only said that so I could shut her up , now I
am still in bed .ha , I am so sma-

"Get up Tracy , I know you are still in bed ."

Dang I am not that smart.Guess I got to get up .

I get up go down the stairs, and get some breakfast. Then I come to see that my older brother Brandon took my toast , so then I had some cereal.Then I jumped on the bus ,and I got some weird looks , probably because I am new .I new this was gonna be bad .

When we get to school , I go to the first desk I see , hoping it would help me , and I was in luck . When I went into the office I saw this terrible, crazy , scary, and rude kid . He was just so rude , and stupid to the teacher that was talking to him. I made a mental note to stay away from him.

I got to the desk and they got me situated.
And got me someone to help me get to my classes .

"Hey I am Nate , I will help you get to your classes ."

"Ok, but don't believe that we are friends now ."
He helped me get to all of my classes , then at lunch we parted ways . I started walking to a seat away from everyone, then I got another look at scary guy .Let me tell you , he is a lot scarier when you look at his face , but I must have looked to long , because he caught my eye , a flicked me off . So I ignored him, I don't want drama.
I go on with the day with what is his name , oh ya , Nate (ewwwwww ) when i start to go home I 'fall' everyone looks at me , I look back and see scary guy and I want to kill him for making me 'fall' . But I keep going, I want to just ignore him, I also don't want him to think he hurt me , so I just tune everyone else out .

"DON'T IGNORE ME NEW KID ."scary guy said

"Whatever "I say

"Do you know who I am "scary guy said

"NO! , I am fucking new , I don't know anyone,,idiot."I say

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY." scary guy said

"You want me to say it again?" I say

You might be saying , 'didn't u say u wanted no drama',yes you are right , but I still will not be disrespected .

"No" he says

"Ok, bye" I responded
I start to move away , but he pushes me up against the locker , and says ...
"Watch out idiot "

He lets me go , and I go back to my house, and I start doing my homework right away . And when I am done I go to sleep ......

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!"my mom says , while she pulls me out of my bed.


"Please can you wake up Tracy , you need to wake up for school."

I go to school, and when I walk in everything stops , well just for me at least everyone keeps whispering about me . I just keep moving.

I get to my first class and figure out I have a class with scary guy , I swear he wasn't here yesterday, well I tried to stay away from him as possible, and I answer all questions that the teacher asked , getting me more looks. I don't care though.

After class I walk alone . I don't want any friends. I keep walking, then I hit a wall and fall back into a set of arms ....

Who did she fall into?
Will she and Mr scary guy kill each other ?

Answer what you think happened in comments
❤️❤️love Madge ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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