Chapter 1

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We are shown a football stadium during the last minute of the final quarter. The crowd was cheering and getting anxious at the same time as their home town team was only one point away from winning. 

The two teams soon got in position on the field when the final pass was made. 

That's when a small lone player was out in the open all alone and caught the football. The small player ran like there was no tomorrow as all the other players from the opposite team tried to tackle and pile on top of the little helpless player. 

The tiny player kept running and running when finally... TOUCH DOWN! 

The crowd was going crazy as their home town football team had won the biggest game of the year. 

The little lone-star player did a victory dance while the rest of the team and some spectators came over and surrounded the little player. 

The player then took off their helmet, revealing to be a teenage girl! But it wasn't just any ordinary teenage girl...

"Kali Harpercop now that you've won the Superbowl, what are you going to do now?" A news reporter asked, holding his mic up to the teenage girl.  

"I'm going to..." Kali was about to say, when... 

"Be late for school!" 

Kali was interrupted by the sound of her mother's voice as she slowly opened her eyes and groaned, sitting up in bed with her hair being a mess. Revealing it to only be a dream... A really AWESOME dream.  

"Mom, you interrupted my dream" the rebellious teenager whined. "I was the first teenage girl ever to win the Superbowl!" 

"Come on now, Kals!" Jane called her daughter again. "You're going to be late for school!"

The tomboy groaned in response before her alarm clock suddenly went off and she threw it against the wall, breaking it. (It was the fifth one she broke in a month). Kali made her way out of her bedroom and came downstairs, almost tripping and sliding the rest of the way but caught herself against the railing. 

She came into the kitchen and sat down over at the table with her family, eating breakfast while she poured milk into her cereal. 

Not too long after the arrest of Dr Herman Varnick, if it wasn't for the Harpercop family's help, they would've never brought their neighbors, the Newtons, and their big slobbery st bernard dog, Beethoven, closer together. And they had all well adjusted in living together... even George, who had taken a new liking to Beethoven since his rescue in the last adventure they had. 

This day for the Harpercop family was just another regular morning for them. The family's pet dalmatians came into the kitchen to eat their breakfast as well. 

"So, you kids doing anything after school today?" Jane asked her three children at the kitchen table, trying to make conversation. 

"Baseball tryouts are today" Brock spoke up. 

"And there are all sorts of new clubs to join" Ann added with a smile. 

"Oh, please" Kali sighed, while pouring some more sugar into her cereal. "It's just another day. Nothing special" 

"Well, you're brother's coming in a few weeks to visit" Jane mentioned the Harpercop siblings half brother Jacob. 

Kali was about to groan in protest before Jane sternly told her. "Be nice, now"

"Fine, whatever" the tomboy with the yellow bandanna rolled her eyes before she continued eating her cereal. 

"Say, aren't you walking with Ryce?" Jane asked her oldest daughter, since that's what she normally did. 

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