Chapter 1 ~ Wait What are we doing?

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Oh my god guys!! New story :D hope you like it - Pingu x

Song for this chapter is The Veronicas ~ Untouched

*Kiara's POV*

''...Bienvenue à une autre année à Beauxbâtons, Nous avons d'excellentes nouvelles pour cette année mes beaux étudiants et premières années...''

(''...Welcome to another year at Beauxbatons, We have exciting news for this years my lovely students and first years...''

This is going to be a good year, I have never heard of the Triwizard Tournaments before so should be interesting.


I hate our school uniform, silky blue dress with a blue hat that looks like an iced gem on my head.

I feel like an idiot.

My lilac hair clashes with the pastel blue silk dress.

All the girls are looking at me like I'm from a freak show.

I feel so insecure right now.

''Il suffit de les ignorer Kiki, tu es belle et ils sont jaloux''

(''Just ignore them Kiki, you're beautiful and they're jealous'')

The words of my mother echo through my mind like a ghost. I miss her.

I don't like being away from her for too long. My mother is my rock.

''Hey, la terre appelant Kiara, Nous sommes ici''

(''Hey, earth calling Kiara, We're here'')

My friend Lina, my only friend, says getting my attention and snapping me back to reality.


''...this year is going to be a little different...''

We're stood listening to the Headmaster of Hogwarts give a speach to the entire school, explaining about the triwizard tournament.

We all turn our heads at the sound of foot steps in the distance getting closer and closer.

An old ragiddy looking old man runs past us, panting like a parched dog and running through the massive doors of the great hall.

All the girls around me giggle. I just roll my eye's at their reaction.

Lina next to me laughs at my reaction, causing everyone to turn and look at us like we're the outsiders. Oh wait, we're.

''...Hogwarts has been chosen to hoast a legendairy event. The Triwizard Tournament...''

Excited voices echo through the great hall through the doors, the head matser of the school continues to talk about how, these tasks are not for the faint hearted.

''Allez les filles, le dos droit, les épaules en arrière, le menton haut, des sourires sur''

(''Come on girls, back straight, shoulders back, chins up, smiles on'')

Madam Maxine orders from behind the group.

Me and Lina have been placed at the very back of the group, we're that much of a couple outsiders.

We're walking behind madam Maxine as all the other girls prance around like fairy's through the great hall, throwing butterflies and blue birds into the air through out the croud.

Me and Lina are in one of those hyper moods, so we're just messing around and everytime we look at eachother we just start giggling like idiots.

While walking past all the students in the great hall, I notice a few of the guys checking us out, but a pair of twin boys sat at the table to my left catch my eye.

I lock eyes with one of them and smile at him, he smiles back making me smirk even more causing his smile to get bigger each time.

''Kiki, Réveillez-vous, ici''

(''Kiki, Wake up, over here'')

Lina ushers me over to the seat next to her causing me to snap back into reality, I quickly take my seat next to Lina.

''Idiot stupide, tu nous a fait ressembler à une moquerie par rapport à l'autre école''

(''You stupid idiot, you made us look like a mockery compared to the other school'')

Rosé spits at me, looking down her nose at me as if I were nothing.

''Vas te faire encule Rosé''

(''Fuck you Rosé'')

I say back, Rosé gasps dramatically, most of the other girls turn to look at me, even Madame Maxine heard me.

''Kiara, Nous ne tolère pas un tel langage dans notre école, et encore moins une autre école. Apprendre les bonnes manières''

(''Kiara, We do not tolerate such language in our school, let alone another school. Learn some manners'')

''And now please help me in welcoming the proud sons of Durmstrang, and their high master Igor Karkaroff''

The doors swing open once more revealing a group a berley young men, screaming and hitting big polls on the floor.

They start doing acrobatics up through the middle of the great hall between the tables.

All the girls are awing over their 'amazing' show. I'm bored already.

I have no interest in guys who show off, like that.

I wish I was sat outside reading a book right now.


After dinner the head master of Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore I believe, continued to talk about the Triwizard tournament, and all the rules and stuff.

"...But This year, for the Triwizard Tournament, the Ministry has decided to try something new, for each Champion chosen, they can choose whether to have a reserve. Now, what I mean by a reserve is, someone to take the place of the Champion, should they fail to continue with their task..."

Well, that sounds reasonable.

I'm guessing Fluer is going to put her name forth for the tournament.

I don't think she'd be any good but, hey that's just my opinion.

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