Crimson Vodka

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"матушка, why are they running away?"

"Don't you dare call me 'матушка', you monster!"

"W-What? матушка? Where are you going? Don't leave! Please!"

There has always been two sides of me.

One was kind and innocent.

The other was cruel and terrifyingly greedy.

I thought I could manage my life with these two sides separated. And I was right, I could.

Until I tasted the crimson vodka.

The overwhelming burning sensation as it burned my throat paid off in the end.

I needed more.

I needed that sensation to take me.

The bodies piled up. All because I needed more of the crimson vodka.

And with the bodies that added to the endless pile, more people fled from my horrid soul.

The monster inside of me took over, and my kinder side no longer had any control.

I couldn't tame it. The animal I had transformed into.

Is this how my life would end?

Is this how the great Russian Federation would fade away?

I stood positioned with the crimson blade of the dagger at his throat. His face was pushed down into the dirt, leaving me able to see only his white hair.

My hand charged forward with the sharp object. When I was halfway to ending his life and receiving my reward, he turned to face me, with a stern face and a glare.

I stopped moving.

His eyes...

they were a crimson.

A crimson that seemed to shine with ambition.

A crimson that hid all fear.

A crimson that made my heart pound.

A crimson that blocked the taste of the alcohol.

A crimson that made me drop the dagger.

A crimson that shone brighter than the crimson vodka.


Author's note:

I created a thing. Got bored. Thought of this in the shower. Shit happens. Sorry if I made any grammatical/spelling mistakes.

матушка= mother

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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