Part 1

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Its a long time from now a angel who was newly created by god was seeing the earth, it was puzzled to see the world as some humans helping others some working for there own life and some stealing or depending on others for living, it made it thinking "why god can't change it" but it knows that god can change. It wanted to ask god about all this but he was unable to contact god on this and as angels where designed to only obey gods rules and work on that. Each and every day while he sees new things his doubt's where increasing to the point when he can't take it anymore so he thought of asking god directly of that. He tried to contact god and when he contacted him he asked him about the inequality in the world and he asked him why he has not changed it, god replayed "This world has its laws of nature and I want the world to work on it, I only interfere with peoples thought not with there life directly that's how it works if I directly interfere with peoples life directly they will always relay on me But I have plan for all the people, there is always a judgment at last" After the explanation of god to the angel the angel was puzzled even more so it needed more answer so it continued "If all that is already planned what's the purpose of living" god replayed " planned in the sens not everything is planned the beginning,important turning of life and the end will happen as planned others are not planned it happens in its own and that's what called living". The angel had many questions to god but it was confused with gods answer so it had a hesitaion to ask further question but god understood it so god asked the angel whether it is willing to be born as human to know what it meant to be living. The angel saw down for once it know it will be very difficult for it to live a life on earth but to understand everything it has to accept it so he took a breath and accepted it. God said that he will be born in the next day. After that The angel went to his best friend who was also a newly created angel and said that he was going to be born as human to understand the world the other angel was so exited and said that he will be coming with him. They contacted god and got permission once they got god's permission they jumped one by one they know that after they where born as humans they will not meet each others and will not know that they where angels but god has a plan he was going to make a important turning to make them meet and be best friend on the earth also, while god planned it he had a small smile on his. God knew that this is going to happen as he created the new angels to be more qurious once to know about the world even more and see the humanity equally to them as god can't achieve it god created angels like this. The first one was born in small Village named okaigo and other was born 1miles from that town named kazhaki. The first angel was born to a rich family to couple jack and mariya and he was named jason the second was born to the poor family to couple elai and janet and he was named fadit. They both where joint in the same school and they had a difficult time there as other students will be teasing them and making fun of them as they where silent and quiet student but they where brilliant in studies so they studied well and they had the talent of mastering any thing they chose. Eventually they become friends from third grade to till date which is there 8the grade. they were on the roof top of jason's home one day looking at the stars , at that time Jason's thought was on the unequal world(which was triggered by his past angel life) once he got this question he asked fadit about that and he said "I don't know this world needs all the ups and down I think" and jason replayed "so what about the poor people they are suffering from this down's and rich people enjoying due this up's and I don't see a justice in it" this made fadit also think of it and he accepts what jason just said he thought it was right. That night after fadit went. Jason had only one thought to get powers like Superman to save people and make people equal to each other. Jason started praying to god "give me the power to see everything to change everything and to rule everything" but he got no answer from god or no reaction he continued to contact god for whole 2 week but no answer from god or no response from him. He got so desperate and stopped praying to god and he fairly decided not to pray to god. But after his decision on not believing on god for changing the world and he started crying because he can't change this world as this world is not controlled by god after his decision on that he slept. It was midnight he got a feeling that he was not alone so he wakeup rubbed his eyes and saw. There was a black figure standing before him he just looked up on that and he was freezed on seeing it. ... It was the devil standing before him. He was totally shocked to see it. He don't know what to do. The devil continued "don't be Afraid I heard you, I may be able to help you". Jason came out of the shock but he had a little fear in him as on seeing the red angry looking face with horns in his head and long sharp finger nail and he looked big. Jason started talking, his voice was shivering due to the fear on seeing it, He asked the devil " I don't understand what you where saying". The devil laughed and replayed "about the power you desire and ruling the world". Jason don't know what to say he don't want to have deal with god but he knows god won't answer him so he took a movement then he thought that he will be needing time so he told the devil " I think I need some time to think of it and I don't know whether it is the right time so I need 3 years time so that I will be a teenager and will be ready take the decision right, I think its not the right time". The devil laughed and said " That's good.., I will be back in 3 years to ask your decision" and devil was about to leave that time jason said " stop I need to know why are you here to help me, what you want in return" the devil laughed and said "noting but you to rule the world". Jason asked " why would you need me to rule the world" and the devil laughed and said " you will know that later " and leaves. Jason wanted this to be told to fadit but he couldn't as it was a deal with devil what could be good in a devils deal but jason thought of even sacrifice him to make things right he was willing to lose him for the world. 3 years every night he was thinking of the choice he is going to make he was even trying to contact god to replay him but he didn't. 3 years went like a blink of a eye and Jason know that the devil will show up in any day and at any time at night so he lost his sleep and after several sleep less night one day mid night precise 12:00 Am the devil reappeared to jason. Jason was shocked but not same as the first day as he was expecting it he had a mixed dealing of shock and fear. The devil asked " Jason are you ready to chose your path, To rule the world or to be ruled ". It was 3 years but even now Jason was not ready to answer the question as he doesn't know what is the need for the devil to chose him and why he needes him to rule the world insted of the devil himself. He asked the devil " I know its time but if I need to chose a path I need to know why you need me to rule the world, and don't bluff around me I need to exact reason why you need me to rule the earth". The devil replayed " So finally the snail has come out of its shell, Haha I will ask you only once, do you need it or not, if yes I will give you the power that can bring the whole world under your command but if no I will just leave you, I can catch many people like you, Jason just say yes... or no..." With a anger. Jason was stunned to see a angry devil, now he has to chose any of the one yes.. or no.. If he choses yes he can change everything but he doesn't know what is the end result and if he choses no then the world remains the same with no change in it.Suddenly Jason got a idea. Jason said to the devil "okay it's time, I chose... To take the power". The devil replayed with a laugh " Thats's my boy" and it kept its hand over jasons head and said a spell, as soon as the devil said the spell Jason eyes where bright the room is filled with heavy wind. Jason and the devil started levitating and the devil was laughing loud, they were levitating for 5 mins then Jason slowly came down along with him the devil came down after that the devil took its hand from Jason and then devil asked jason "can you feal the power" and jason said "Yes, I can deal the diffrence. But I don't know whats this fealing". The devil smiled and said "Boy this is the fealing of getting the ultimate power, I have given you my half of the power and unlocked your angel power in you". Jason asked the devil " what..!, I am a angel". Devil replayed " yes you are I can know who is angel and who is human, as soon as I saw you I saw the spark of angel in you. But now you have massive power in this world you can take the control of this entair world". Jason said " what, controlling the world". The devil replayed "yes boy you have the power to take controle of this world". Jason saw the devil and said "No, I don't want to do that, All I need is to save people and bring equality in people, thats all I need to do". Devil laughed and said " you realy think that you can change the world like that, you can't do it without taking over the entire world". Jason told " you wait and see" and jason said "you can leave from here". Devil replayed " so that's it, for the person who gave you the power". Jason don't want to help the devil but he has a guilt for getting the power from devil, To relive from this he has to accept what devil says. Jason with no other option he has he asked devil loudly "WHAT YOU WANT ?". Devil relayed " cool boy, I am not going to ask you much, I just want to be in your side and with you always. Jason said "No, I can't do that, I will not accept that ask any other thing". Devil laughed and said "did I asked you to take over this world and give it me..,No..!, I just asked you to keep me in your side that's all". Jason after a pause said "Okay but not always, only when you have something to say and if I say go you should go". Devil said " with my pleasure" And devil vanishes into thin air. Jason lie down in the bed and its almost 4 Am He was thinking about all that devil said, very much tired and he fell asleep without his knowledge. The next day he met his friend fadit in the school and said "hey, I need to tell you something.." With a hesitation. Fadit said "what's the matter". Jason said " one night 3 years ago I got a visit from a devil,...and it said that it can give me powers, I. said I will chose whether I need it or not after 3 years, and yesterday it came again ". Fadit initially didnt belive it and made fun of it but Jason said Fadit to come to his home so he can prove it and that night and he came. Fadit said "okay show what you want to show, magician.." with a laugh and jason was concentrating in his arm to create a fireball. Fadit said " what are you doing, trying to poop, HaHaHa". jason replayed "I accepted the deal yesterday and I know there is power inside me I thought if I show you that I can do something, you will believe me. Fadit started laughing and said "its funny". Jason in a little depressed tried once again and his hand started to burn. Fadit laughing face become serious with little fear on seeing it.. be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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