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Long ago, two races ruled over earth : HUMANS and MONSTERS.

One day, war broke out between the two races.

After a long battle, the humans were victorious.

They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.

Many years later, a human child fell in the underground, onto a bed of golden flowers. Her name was Chara. 

"Looks like it came from over here... Oh ! You've fallen down, haven't you ? Here, get up. Chara, right ? That's a nice name. My name is Asriel."

A little goat talked. Chara was scared, but he seemed so nice she folowed him. The young girl dicovered that Asriel was really innocent, nice and just wanted a friend to play with, chat with, and love. That made her happy, because no one had ever loved her or care for her like the goat. Asriel introduced Chara to his parents, Asgore and Toriel, the kings of the underground. They immediatly loved Chara and took care of her. Soon, Chara became like a member of their family and felt like it. She was loved, had the best friend you can have and was really happy. She visited the whole underground and knew it by heart.

Asriel and Chara were playing in the ruins when the disaster happened. Alphys, the royal scientist, was planning on trying an experiment to get all the monsters out of their prison. Everyone promised to help her and not letting her down. But, the experiment was bad. An explosion shooked the entire underground, destroying everything and the core was about to explode, too, killing everyone. But thanks to a skeleton with a blue jacket, that didn't happen. Everyone then, hated Alphys, bullied her, hurt her and she hid somewhere, promissing she would avenge herself.

So, let's get back to the story. The two children were playing, not thinking something would seperate them. A shadow approched,careful not to be seen. But the kids were laughing too loud to notice it...


Alphys grabbed Asriel and ran away. Chara did her best to save him, slapping the old scientist, shouting and crying but didn't succeed. Chara never forgave herself. She kept crying, holding her heart locket only thinking about her best friend, the one she loves more than anything and she couldn't save him.

Toriel and Asgore were worrying not seeing the children come back. They headed to the spot Asriel said they were going and found Chara in the state I described. They forgave her, telling her it was not her fault but she never believed them. Asgore went deep in the underground to find their child. He made the girls promise they wouldn't try to come with him or join him, even if he took time. He never returned.

Some time later, six humans fell in the underground. Did I just say six ? I mean seven, of course. I don't remember their names, but their souls were Bravery, Justice, Kindness, Patience, Integrity, Perseverance and Blood. What's the matter ? You seem surprised. Is there a soul I said you never heard about before ?

I'll let you imagine what happened to them. That's right : they were kidnapped.

The underground was full of fear, despair and darkness. No one could bring back all the missing monsters and everyone started suspecting everyone to be the responsible of all this. Groups were formed. Sans and Toriel created a "security group", one that could only contain trustful people. Those people had always been there for each other. In it, there were Sans and his brother, Toriel, Grillby, Muffet and Napstablook. Grillby's became the general headquarters for the Spookybones as the skeletons and Napstablook named it. The others became evil and hurt everyone just to "defend" themselves, died or mysteriously dissapeared. The Spookybones didn't know anything good of them.

Now, the REAL story can begin.

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