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If you see any mistakes pls point them out so i can fix them ty and i hope you enjoy reading this.

It was a normal day and everyone in class 1-A was excited to go train with heroes. Everyone was walking to class as they usually do while chatting with a friend or two. As everyone filled in the room and took their seats it got louder since everyone was talking over each other. No one noticed when all might walked into the room until they heard his booming voice. "HELLO STUDENTS QUIET DOWN NOW" All might said. Everyone did as told. "TODAY WE WILL BE BATTLING OTHER CLASSMATES TO LEARN THEIR STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES" announced all might. Everyone started whispering to each other about who they wanted to fight. Everyone got out and followed all might.

t i m e s k i p : p

Everyone was in their hero costumes and was ready for combat.  "TODAY YOU WILL PICK YOUR OWN OPPPNENT" All might stated. Everyone rushed to find a partner but there was an odd number of students today so one person was left without a partner. "umm all might i dont have a partner" Deku whimpered. "NO PROBLEM MY BOY YOU'LL BE WITH ME THEN" all might boomed. Everyone went off into different directions with their partners to train. Deku just followed All Might. Everyone started fighting each other until the alarm went off. "STUDENTS DONT PANIC LETS ALL GO TO THE CHANGING ROOM ITS THE SAFEST PLAC-" All Might was interrupted by an explosion. Most of the students ran toward the changing rooms. todoroki, Deku, and bakugo stayed behind. "GO WITH EVERYONE ELSE" Boomed all might. "Tch like hell i would go cower with those losers." said bakugo. "You can't fight them alone." deku said. There was a lot of dust from the explosion so they couldn't see who did it. Suddenly a light came flying towards all might who was looking behind him at the students "ALL MIGHT LOOK OUT" Deku screamed as he ran towards him. Deku jumped in front of all might just before it hit him. The quirk hit him straight on the chest and sent him flying across the room and he slammed into a wall. The dust settled and the person was gone. "Midoria!" called Todoroki as he ran towards him. "are you okay" he asked. Suddenly deku started glowing. "whats happening to me? I feel strange." deku whispered. The light got brighter and brighter until everyone had to look away. Deku screamed out in pain but stopped shortly. The light was gone and Deku looked different. He had a very large chest, a slimmer body, longer hair, and looked way more femine. He gasped as he looked at himself. "NO ONE LOOK AT ME!" He yelled. Of course everyone turned to see what happend to izuku. Everyone gasped. As she got up she heard a slight rip. When she looked down her chest was so big that the suit had ripped. She tried to cover herself with her arms and ran the the dressing room blushing. Uraka ran after her. "what just happened?" asked todoroki, stunned. "I don't even know" answered Bakugo, confused. "Can any of the ladies go help uraka with Midoria?" asked all might. All the girls ran after them to try and help. "Okay go dress out of your hero costumes i think that's enough for today." Said All Might.

timeskip brought to you from my dog charlie.

Izuku's pov

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod what just happend to me "Deku!" called uraka. i stopped running. "Deku are you okay?" she asked. "I don't know" I answered. "Do you need some help with that?" she asked and pointed at my chest. I blushed a deep red and nodded. I followed her into the girls locker room. I heard feet stomping and the rest of the girls followed us. "Do you guys need some help?" asked tsu. "umm does anyone have a bra that deku can borrow?" asked uraka. "His- I mean her chest is probably bigger than everyone else here so i can make her one with my quirk" offered momo. She quicky made a bra and gave it to me. Uraka gave me a plus ultra shirt and some matching shorts for me to wear and shoved me into a bathroom stall. I put on the clothes that i was given with my eyes closed because its weird to see lady parts that im not used to. After i got dressed i walked out of the stall and thanked everyone for their help. I was called by All Might to go to the boys locker room office. "Midoria are you okay besides your physical change?" asked all might. "yeah i don't feel bad or anything just startled." i answered. "Oh good. and WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? YOU COULD HAVE BEEN INJURED OR KILLED!?" scolded all might. "i know but i couldn't stand there and watch you get hit. imagine all the chaos if you were suddenly a girl. nothing happens to me but your image is important to keep the peace." i answered. He looked at me then sighed. "Go see recovery girl then go to your dorm." he said. i nodded and did as he said.
I visited recovery girl who healed a few scratches I had then went to my room. When I entered my room kacchan was there. "Wh-Why are you here Kacchan?" I asked him. "Tch stupid nerd are you really a girl? You looked like one already but now you look so.. weird." He asked me. "Um yeah i'm really a girl now. It's weird isn't it? Recovery girl said if they find the person who did this they might be able to change me back to normal." i responded. "Eh have fun dealing with perverts like mineta now that you look like that." He said then walked out of my room. I looked for something i can wear thats my own but none of the shirts fit and I apperently got smaller. I'll have to go buy some. I don't know anything about girls clothes though. Hopefully some girls can come with me. I stopped searching and went to uraka's room. On the way there i passed by todoroki who looked at me strangely but not in a bad way. I knocked on uraka's door and she answered. "oh hi deku! whatcha need?" she asked. "umm none of my clothes fit me and i need to go buy a new wardrobe but i dont know anything about girl clothes and i was hoping that you and some other girls could help me?" i asked. Her face lit up. "of course we'll help you! i'll get a few girls and we can go shopping tomorrow if thats good for you." uraka said. "yeah tomorrow is great for me. thanks uraka i really appriciate it" i replied. She closed her door and i went to my room to go to sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day so i better rest now. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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