Chapter 1/2

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"Liz, go fastly and get that work done." Namjoon said sternly while looking at her.

"Yes, Namjoon-"

"Yes, what?" Namjoon said with a stern voice again, cutting her sentence in the middle.

She frustratedly looked at him. "Yes, boss." But he looked at her with satisfied eyes, "Now go!" He demanded.

'That freakin' piece of sh** needs to go to hell,' she thought while muttering a few curses under her breath.

She went to the other side of the cruise ship to carry forward the work he assigned her to do.

She wonders that how did she get someone like him in life. When they both were trainers and were learning how to drive a cruise ship and manage all the work, he seemed like a gentleman to her.

He was smart and helping and... boyfriend of your best friend. And she apparently cheated on him which led to a break up and led to a hate towards her and Liz.

And the fact that Namjoon sand Liz were competing for the position of the captain on the ship, didn't help the fact.

At last, he became the captain, leaving her in the position of vice captain. Her friend was in different section that is why she didn't come in the team of Liz's batch. Which saved her from Namjoon, while leaving Liz behind..

According to Liz, Namjoon was full on taking revenge of the break up from her.

When he became the captain, his attitude changed towards Liz. He would boss her around, talk with her sternly while laughing and smiling towards others, which made her think that he was nowhere close to a gentleman for sure.

She can't believe the fact that there was a time when she used to like him, because he actually doesn't deserve anyone's feelings.

Voices started coming from her walkie talkie. She held her walkie talkie and kept it near her mouth. "Izabel, reporting."

"Liz, come to the wheelhouse, over." It was Namjoon's voice, who called her over.

The wheelhouse is a room from the someone drives the ship. From where she was, the wheelhouse was really far. She ran quickly to reach there as there could be any problems, and the cruise was about to be open to all people, in some minutes.

She opened the door of the wheelhouse and saw Namjoon sitting there. "What happened? Is there any problem? The cruise is about to open!" She exclaimed desperately.

"Yeah, and I just wanted you to greet the people who will come in the cruise, vice captain." He said, not showing any emotions while looking at her.

She almost cursed at him, "You could have told me that through the walkie talkie!!" She shouted.

Namjoon smirked and looked at her, "But there's no fun in that."


"I said that there's no fun in that." He repeated.

And she lost it. She closed the door that was behind her. "What the hell Namjoon!?! Why the heck are you doing this?!" She yelled at him, all freaking frustrated.

He stood up and came face to face with her. He looked at her attire all over and then to her face, "Because it's fun." He smirked.

Liz calmed her breathing down and controlled the use of fighting skills over him. "This is our first journey overseas, Namjoon. Don't ruin it." She warned.

"And what will you do, if I did?" He said, leaning on the wall beside him. A silence was maintained after that, in which Liz was controling her fist to not kiss his face, because if it did, he may complain about it to the authority.


"By the way, you look good." He complimented out of the blue and which made her all confused.


"Y'know, this uniform which our company gave for female staff. Skin tight short skirt and a shirt for the top with a white coat over it, which is tight as hell, you look good in it."

He casually says that and this makes her confused. She looked at him and saw his eyes going all dark while looking at her bare legs. "Namjoon? Are you in your right mind?" She asked him.

He, all of a sudden, pulled her closer as their bodies collided. Her breathing fastened and her body tensed. He looked at her with an intense gaze. She was all flustered because of this and the slow sound of the waves around the ship, didn't help the moment to calm down.

"You like me, right?" Namjoon asked suddenly, while pulling her closer with his hands that rested on her waist. His intense gaze got mixed with a smirk. He came a little closer to her ear and whispered, "You liked me, when I was your friend's boyfriend. I know it, I know it all, baby." His breath sent shivers to you and she froze in his touch.

He started nibbling on her ear, sensually and slowly.

But she tried to calm herself down, she can't fall for it. He was definitely playing with her. For revenge. She knew it.

"Actually, no." She slowly said which made Namjoon stop. "I don't like you now."

Namjoon pulled back a little and saw her, "what?" He asked.

Liz got the sudden confidence inside her. "I used to like you at a point, but when you broke with her and got all bitchy about it with me, I tried to forget you." She said which made him loosen his grip on her waist a little.

"There was always a competition for being the captain between you and me, but when you got that position, my hate towards you got a little big but i accepted it since you were better than me. But then you got all bossy only around me, which made me totally go over the feelings I had for you." Now it was her time to smirk while looking at his shocked expression.

"N-No, you still like me!!" He said, as he didn't expect her to say this.

She smirked, and took her hand and caressed his cheek with it. "Sorry, but no. Why? Are you disappointed?" She said with confidence which made him feel small under her touch.

Voices started coming from Namjoon's walkie talkie, "Jimin reporting! Captain, where are you? People are starting to come!" Jimin informed.

Liz grinned evilly and made Namjoon remove his hands from her waist by using her hands. "Sorry Namjoon, maybe we can try after you lose that overconfidence a little?" She said while trying to put a very innocent face on. She left the wheelhouse to greet the people.

But she left a very hot and bothered Namjoon behind.


Hello guys, I am the author of this book!! * Imaginary Claps*

This short book is dedicated to me dearest and *coughs* eldest friend! She is such a sweetheart, who is always there to comfort me when I am in problem and I may not find such a friend even if I try to search.

She is... LizSorora !!!
She is very famous for sure and IU s sweet as a bonus!!

Thank u Gurl, love yoooouuuu!!!!!


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