Songs That Remind Me Of You - Larry Stylinson One Shot

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Ok, this is my first story I uploaded. And I'm not sure how I feel about it. So please leave your honest openion and yeah..  Comment, Vote it, whatever :) Thanks

"Harry please!!"  Louis begged. Harry shook his head and said " I'm sorry Lou, but I just cant do this anymore. Just be like.. Sitting there watching you guys be all happy when I'm not. I'm sorry. Goodbye Louis." And just like that, Harry grabbed his bags and  walked out the door. Louis knees gave in and he fell to the floor sobbing. It felt like he lost him. He lost his best friend, the one person he could trust, the one who understood him the most, the one who he had loved since the X factor. Louis had loved Harry since he saw him. But he never said his feelings to him. He couldn't. Not with the band starting, their career going so good. He couldn't risk it.  He couldn't  risk telling Harry and have him not feel the same and hate him, or ignore him completely. He couldn't do it. He just couldn't do it. S o he didn't do anything. Louis knew he was gay though, he knew ever since he was 14. He decided to come out to his family, and his best friend Stan at age 16. Luckily it was one of those rare occasions where he wasn't judged. If fact, he learned that Stan was bisexual and they dated in secret for a year and decided  it was okay for people too know who they were and came out. They kept dating for 2 more years until Louis decided to audition for X factor and made it. It was a mutual decision. After a few months of being in One Direction, Louis knew he was falling hard for his band mate Harry Styles. He liked him  a lot when they met in the toilets and since One Direction came along, he fell harder. After a year in One Direction Louis was head over heals in love with Harry and needed to tell someone. He decided Simon. Only too see if it would be okay to come out. Sadly, it wasn't. According to Simon being gay would not be good for record sales so he needed a beard. Eleanor Calder. It was perfect. Well, perfect just not to Louis. When Louis told the boys that he had a girlfriend, he noticed a change in behavior in Harry. He seemed more.. depressed. Whenever Eleanor came over or got brought up, he just got sadder. And that's when Harry had  started cutting. Harry couldn't bare to see Louis with Eleanor. Harry felt he deserved someone better.. Someone like him. 

Yes, Harry also loved Louis since the beginning.  He was just too scared to say anything. So of course, he didn't. But he had so many emotions held inside of him he felt cutting was a release. After a while it became too much, so he decided he needed a break from the band, from everything. He already had a chat with management  and they said it was okay so it was settled. He packed his bags and went downstairs to find a completely confused Louis. He said his goodbye and left. It was pain full, even if he was just leaving for maybe two weeks. He got in a cab and put his head phone in. He started listening to a bunch of sad songs. First was You by The Pretty Reckless. The lyrics made him think of Louis.   " You don't want me no, you don't need me. Like I want you oh, like I need you.. And I. Want you in my life. And I need you need you in my life. You cant see me no, life I see you" He hummed softly brushing a few tears away, receiving strange looks from the driver. He shook his head and continued listening. He was fine through the two other songs. He listened to You,  and Crush by David Archuleta, until he came too the song that reminded him of Louis most. Home Is In Your eyes by Greyson Chance.

" My heart beats a little bit slower , these nights are a little bit colder"

How Harry feels whenever Eleanor is there

" Now that your gone"

Gone with stupid Eleanor.

" My skies seem a little bit darker, sweet dreams come a little bit harder, I hate when your gone"

It's true. Whenever Eleanor was around Harry's world felt darker and it was hard to sleep knowing Louis was having fun with Eleanor and not him.

"Evey day time is passing growing tired of all this traveling, take me away to where you are"

Songs That Remind Me Of You - Larry Stylinson One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now