Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Joel is a 8 year old boy who has beautiful blue eyes and thin, soft black hair. He is an average height and would usually wear a bright t-shirt which usually had some sort of super hero from the marvel comics on it, along with some cargo shorts and sneakers, as a typical kid would.

Lilith is Joel's older sister, she is 13 years old and has dark brunette hair with light blue dip dyes along the bottom. She was fairly small for her age but not too short, she would usually wear short denim shorts that only covered the upper half of her thigh, with some kind of tank top, she would usually wear her black one which had her favourite band (Pierce the Veil) on it, she would also occasionally wear a saggy beanie

Joel and Lilith used to roam the dark streets of New York every night, no matter how cold or scary. It gave them a sense of courage and pride to walk down the dark streets with responsibility. Even 3 whole years later, after Joel had finally turned 11, they still continued to roam the streets, it was their normal routine.

One night, during the Winter, a strange man calm-fully emerged from the shadows. He wore a black hooded trench coat which hanged down to his knees along with saggy black jeans and some steel cap boots, as he walked over with the darkness from his hood covering 2 thirds of his face, leaving his mouth visible, he said "Don't be afraid, young ones." As we both stood there, terrified. When he got near us he stopped and asked with a creepy grin "Why do the 2 of you always roam the streets alone? You know.. It can be very dangerous?". We both continued staring in shock, my sister decided to ask him "W-Why did you come over here? Is that all you wanted to tell us?" I looked at her as if she was crazy for opening her mouth. The man replied with "No, I wanted to ask.. How is.. Life?" My sister replied with a blank "fine"

"Is that all? Just fine? How would you like to begin a new one? Start fresh..?"

My sister sarcastically replied with "I wish" as she loosened up and gave him a cheeky grin.

The man calmly and slowly put his hand behind his back, only to yank out a small blade. One of those switchblades, before my sister even noticed he had already jabbed her, right in the atoms apple. As she laid there, choking and gurgling on her own blood, I stood there, paralysed by shock. The man leant over her and the last words she ever heard were "Enjoy your new life, this is what you wished for.." As she stared at me and took her final breath before she had been taken by death itself..

The man then stared at me and said "Don't think I've forgotten about you? How about you.. Would you like to start fresh?" I continued to stand there.. Wide, teary eyes.

He said "Don't be upset now. I'm not going to hurt you? Your sisters death resulted in your new life also? I could tell she meant everything to you.."

"Anyways, enjoy!" He said as he seemed to have disappeared into the darkness with his horrific laugh. After he left, all I could mumble to myself was mumble "Why" and since then on, I've decided to train up, get big.. Tough.. Learn the way of the blade. And finally, avenge my sister when the time is right. This is not over..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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