Beasts and Spiderman flying

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Hey Peeps!! I talked about maybe doing something like this before, but I sort of forgot about it. Then this dream came along and I just had to share it. Enjoy!!

I had a dream the monsters roamed the earth, and this one guy came across a necklace that was also a thing you could act like spider man and swing from building to building with, end it could also let you control this one piece. This guy used this power to fight off the monsters that were for some reason mostly in the water, and this guy made the papers and everything and the picture type things attached to the light poles that took pictures, and then he ran into this girl(I was in the perspective of the girl then) that said she used to have one, but her dad threw her necklace into the ocean which contained the penny that allowed her to control her beast, but she found another beast and necklace, and this other friend of this guy said he had found a really old penny that acted really weird, and she said if you did find it you can keep it and use it, and then he was on his way to show her the penny when I woke up.

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