chapter one

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Italy sits in a cage with his knees pulled to his chest and the life sucked out of his eyes. Italy is wearing a ragged tan shirt dress and is covered in scars. He shakes from the cold breeze wishing his tattered clothes could do more for him. He is scared of what might happen to him. If he will ever get sold. Maybe then he would get a good master this time. Suddenly Italy hears the ringing that only means one thing. Its finally action day. Italy weakly holds onto the bars of him cage with a weak pathetic smile on his face.

"Ve~ fi...finally"

Italy is quiet scared all the same. He hears people screaming and crying and coughing and all sorts of bad stuff. He just wants to leave. He wants to have a hone again. Italy looks over at his sickly twin brother and holds him tightly to his chest.

"Its okay fratello I bet this master with treat us well. We can maybe even get you so medicine and you'll be all better!" Says italy

Romano struggles to open his eyes but gives a small nod to his brother before he falls back into a very deep sleep. Italy gets more scared when he starts to hear foot steps coming towards his and his brothers cage. Italy looks out to see the guards feet standing right out his cage and cries out when they yank him out. Italy still holding romano starts to stumble and kind of walk, if you could even call it that, to the line by the stage. Italy shakes heavily and starts to whimper as the guards take their rags off. The cold winter air is like ice. Soon italy finds himself stumbling into the stage. The gaurd starts to say his and his brothers information.

"Now this is a very lucky deal people. These are the Italy brothers they are sold together for the price of one. The one in the others arms is pretty much dead so he is just an added bonus but the main Jewel is italy. Both boys were a bond and years back by their grandpa and it just so happens we got our hands on him. Both boys are still virgins but their past masters have said italy finds himself wondering into your bed at night. Just whip him enough and he'll get the idea soon enough! Okay we will start the biding now!"

Italy looks at the crowd with tears brimming his eyes but cries out falling to his knees when he gets whipped in the back.

"Look how adorable the boy looks while sobbing begging you to stop. He would be a fun one for anyone."

Italy keeps crying as he keeps feeling the whip connecting with his skin. The last thing italy heard was some man with a deep voice yell out a huge number. Then the whip stopped. It was amazing italy never thought it would stop. Then someone picked him and his brother up and lightly told him to fall asleep. So italy did just that and took a very much need nap.

Hey guys!!! First chapter up!! I hope you like it! I will try to update every Wednesday. Hope you enough. Love feedback and comments always.

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