Painful Forgiveness

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"Fuck" Arlo angrily sat down in his changing room pressing his fingers to his Temples. He rubbed gentle circles over them hoping to dull the aching pain.
Arlo had locked himself in his changing room not long after exploding at his now X-Staff.
Only a few moments passed when a knock was placed on his dressing room door
"Fuck Off, I told all of you you're Fired!" Arlo stood up angrily inside his dressing room running a hand stressfully through his hair, tugging at it gently.
"Arlo please, we need to talk"
Sasha voice could be clearly heard from the other side of the door.
" I'm not in the mood you LAZY SKANK!" Arlo slammed his fist down on his makeup stand sending multiple things flying off and scattering them around the room.
" Arlo... Take a moment, come out when you're ready we need to talk"
Arlo rolled his eyes sitting down in his chair grabbing the open bottle of whiskey, he sat there staring at it for a moment before setting it down on the table and looking in the mirror. For some reason he felt a need to go out there, whether it was to confront them, to yell at them or to just make another scene he didn't know. Arlo glanced in the mirror his makeup was smeared and his natural hair in a knotted mess wig long discarded. His outfit was ruffled and Messy, it took Arlo a minute to straighten up his appearance, he was not going to look like such a tattered mess in front of Them...

After a few moments he emerge from his dressing room expecting everyone but only finding Sasha sitting on the floor against the wall near his dressing room.
"ARLO! Finally I was getting really worried, Arlo I'm so sorry we wanted to tell you we all did but we knew how much it would hurt you we didn't want-" Sasha was suddenly cut off by Arlo slamming his foot on the ground loudly.
"DON'T GIVE ME ANY OF THAT BULLSHIT! YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE DOESN'T GIVE A FUCKING SHIT ABOUT ME OR YOU WOULD HAD SAID SOMETHING!" Arlo had turned red with anger pupils obviously dilating and sweat was building up near his forehead, he was an emotional wreck and Sasha could see it.
" Arlo I know you're angry but honestly we did this to protect you! We knew how you would have reacted we didn't want this for you just want you to be happy and do what you enjoy with us!"
Sasha tried to keep her voice calm but her voice raised to make her point, but it was obvious that Arlo didn't believe a word she was saying.
Sasha stepped forward towards Arlo squeezing her eyes shut for a moment for looking up at him.
" Please Arlo just listen to me please" Arlo opened his mouth part way to yell before he could he saw Cliff, manjusha, Mister Cronus all walk out staring at him.
Manjusha was the first to step forward a gentle smile graced her lips.
" Arlo please, you know we care about you... we were only doing this to protect you"
Cliff gently set a hand on mannys shoulder
" You're like family to us Arlo, we really care about you"
Mister Cronus didn't speak instead he as well stepped forward a forced smile on his face, but for some reason it really looked like he cared.
"I-I..." Arlo kept trying to get angry but honestly at this moment all I felt was love from the people he had worked with, the people who he had such a dysfunctional relationship with, but he really did see them his family.
Everything came flooding to Arlo at once, what had he done, everthing he had ruined ...everything yet these people still stayed.
"I'm sorry, FUCK! What have I done! I Fucked Everything UP!"
Arlo squeezed his fist tightly digging his nails into the skin, Sasha step forward pulling Arlo into a tight embrace slowly everyone else joined in.
After a moment everyone separated from the hug mostly due to Arlo coming to his senses and pushing everyone off.
" Guys I know I Fucked up, BUT In my defence you all fucked up first... but nonetheless I'll make this right we"ll- we'll figure something out!"
Everyone muttered around the group for a moment brainstorming what they could do but after a moment Arlo came to another realization.
" Sasha? Where did Jimmy Go?"
Sasha looked around the group for a moment before looking Arlo in the eyes gently biting the side of her lip.
" Honestly I don't know... He ran out after you exploded at everyone, he looked really hurt it looked like he had tears in his eyes but he ran before I could say anything"
"fuck" Arlo muttered quietly under his breath, Jimmy was a tough cracker, it took a lot to upset him let alone make him cry he must have been a lot harder on him then he realized.
" I-I need to go find him, I'm going to go check his apartment you guys search elsewhere"
Everyone nodded in agreement as Arlo jogged out of the room.
Everyone started muttering back and forth a bit about what they were going to do as Arlo quickly pop back into the room
"...umm I don't have a car, or license, and last time I attempted driving I may or may not have hit a morbidly obese child so um"
Cliff sighed looking at Arlo
" I'll take you and then I'll check the streets after I drop you off to see if I can find him"
Arlo nodded walking outside to Cliffs car moments later the accelerator was started and they were off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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