Part 1: Distance

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It was 3:05pm when i got out of school, I got out this time everyday. I walked home with my headphones glued into my ears. Listening to my favourite song: Anna Sun, I listened to this song everytime i started playing. When i got home, I did what i normally did, homework, make supper for myself, homework again, then i slept. I was busy


When i arrived at school that morning, I saw him- Jeon Jungkook. Also known as my crush, or out of my limit. I bit my lip and sighed, walking pass him quietly before he grabbed my arm. I blinked, looking up at him.

"H-Hello?" I said, a little timid. Due to him being so much taller than me

"You're in my English class." He replied back smoothly, I could his best friends laughing at my stuttering. All I did was nod, that's all I could really do.

"You should talk more." He released my arm, and I quickly walked away to my locker; still shocked that he actually touched me.


It was lunch, after lunch was English, my favourite class for two reasons.

Reason number one: Jeon Jungkook.

Reason number two: Jeon Jungkook.

I sat a few seats behind him, though i doubt he knew that. I was pretty quiet. I went to go eat my lunch in the farthest table to the right- i normally ate alone, on occasions my old friends from grade school, but that was a rare occasion.

I finally got to eat, as two shadows casted over me. I blinked and looked up, it was him.. Again. He sat down across from me, his brown eyes staring at me.

"Hi." I managed to say while finishing up my sandwich.

"Hey." He said back, yet again with that smooth voice. "How come you're sitting by yourself?"

I frowned, shrugging lightly.

"I don't have friends." He just stared at me, glaring almost. Until he broke the stare, and the silence.

"Be my girlfriend." He said, smiling slightly.

Huh? I wonder if i heard that right. Be my girlfriend? I must have said something else.

"H-Huh? Do you mean to ask me or someone else?" I was stuttering again, I couldn't help it; i was shy and confused.

"No, you. You sit two seats behind me right?" He questioned me, i nodded again.

"Then no, i have the right girl. Like I said, be my girlfriend." I gulped.

"Uh um." I blinked and slowly nodded. "Alright i guess." Him and his bestfriend exchanged a glance and he cocked his head to the side.

"Alright. Meet me in front of English after lunch." I nodded, yet again.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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