Let's Explore

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I watched as Ryan’s black hair blew around as he slammed his head into his desk. I stifled a chuckle at his actions, “Careful. You might give yourself even more brain damage.”

He groaned again as he turned his head to look at me, “Shut up, Andie. I am desperately trying to find us a place to live and I just can’t find anywhere!”

You see, Ryan, our two best friends, Dylan and Elissa, and myself are moving to Lloyd Harbor, New York. We began making plans last year, but were only now making final preparations. This, unfortunately, included watching my brother freak out about not being able to find us someplace to live.

“Here’s an idea! Why don’t you try not worrying about it considering we’re not moving for another three months yet,” I suggested.

He laughed bitterly, “Now, you see, I would do that. Yet, I can’t help but think what if there is nothing available by that time? Then what would we do?”

“Or, maybe by then a bunch of stuff will have opened up! What do you think about that?”

He frowned at me, “Oh, shut up.”

Just as I was about to retaliate, I was interrupted by a loud knock on our apartment’s door. Ryan bolted out of his seat to answer it, I followed behind.

Ryan opened the door to find our two best friends smiling back at us. Dylan smiled widely and approached to pat Ryan on the back, “What’s up, man? You seem ready to tear your hair out. The twinnies not getting along again?”

Ryan scoffed, “Hardly. Andie here seems to think that we can just live on the streets when we get to New York.”

Elissa piped up then, “I’m all for that!”

“See,” I exclaimed, gesturing towards Elissa, who high-fived me, “We would manage!”

Dylan pursed his lips, “Um, excuse me, but I am much too glamourous to be living on the streets.”

“Agreed,” Ryan mumbled. A short silence followed.

“So,” Elissa began, “You guys gonna let us in or are we just going to hang out in the hallway?”

“I don’t know. I kinda like it out here. Good aura and all that,” Dylan mused. Elissa smacked his arm as they both walked inside.

We all settled down onto the couch, Dylan throwing his arm over Elissa, his girlfriend of two years. She cleared her throat, “So, how’s the apartment hunting going?”

“It’s not,” Ryan grumbled. “And Andie is no help at all!”

I gasped in mock surprise, “Excuse me? Who is it that has been keeping you in-check and on your toes then?”

“That doesn’t count.”

I scoffed as Elissa and Dylan laughed at me. “Aw, poor Andie,” Dylan mocked.

“Oh, shut up. All of you just hush.” They continued to laugh.

Fast forward a few weeks and the four of us were packed up and ready to leave California behind. After a lot of searching Ryan and I had managed to find a three bedroom apartment just off the cost of the Long Island Sound. The apartment is more expensive than we would have liked, but the neighborhood is safe and the apartment has a beautiful view of the sound. It’s also not too far from where we all will be working.

Ryan and I were doing a final sweep of our apartment to make sure we didn’t forget anything when Dylan and Elissa knocked on our door, ready to leave for the airport.

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