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April 22nd, 2041 should have been just another monotonous day in the life of 17 year-old Sutton Brooke Ackerman but it was far from it.  I live in Aspen, Colorado with my father, Gregory, everybody calls him Greg though, my step-mother, Heather, and my annoying step-brother, Scott.   My step-mother and I aren't really the best of friends.  We are constantly at each other's throat. The arguments, though they are stupid, are mostly about my mother.

Last year my mother, Safire, was diagnosed with stage IV Breast Cancer.  The doctors said that the cancer was in such an advanced stage that they could not do a lot to save her.  Six months later she passed in her sleep.  Waking up and finding a person you love laying on the bed lifeless changes you forever.  I have never had many friends but my mother was and always will be my best friend.  My mother never tried too hard; she knew when to back off and when I needed her most.  My step-mother, on the other hand, is still trying to determine when to leave me be.  Don't get me wrong, I like my step-mother; she's a good mom but she isn't my mom.

A year after my mom had passed my dad decided that he would get back into the dating game.  He told me "Although nobody will ever be able to compare to your mother, I still think that she would want me to be happy and I don't think sitting around depressed what she would have wanted."

The past few months without my mom have been arduous since, like I said before, she was practically my best friend.  I have managed to make new friends though.  Jason Dacanay, but everybody calls him Jace, and Kimbriella Thorn, but everybody calls her Kimbri.  Jace and Kimbri have had my back since the day we met.  They have always been there for me in this tough time without my mom.  Jace and Kimbri understand me so much that it's actually scary sometimes.  Jace can pretty much read my mind.  He knows what I'm about to say before I even say it.  Kimbri can read me like an open book.  She knows when I'm grieving or jovial just by my expression.  Jace and Kimbri know me better than I know myself, sometimes.  There are no better friends in the world.

People assume that high school is a place where teenagers can interact with each other.  It's a place where they can learn with their friends.  Apparently those people have never been to my school. Aspen High School; where the jocks and cheerleaders rule the school and everyone else gets tossed to the side like last night's meatloaf.  Oh!  I forgot to mention the one girl you never want to antagonize.  Aubree Diamond; she's the rich girl that gets everything she wants handed to her on a silver platter.  Her real name is Aubreanna but you only call her that if you have a death wish.  Oh yea!  Aubree also dates my step-brother, Scott.  You couldn't see but I just rolled my eyes.  I honestly don't know what a rich cheerleader like Aubree would see in a brain dead jock like Scott. 

A/N - The photo above is what Sutton looks like.  I hope you guys enjoy this story.  I don't know when I will be able to update next as I am in college and my next semester starts on January 7th, 2019. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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