1. The last call.

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The bar was extra busy today, so she felt unbearably tired. And now she was cursing at herself, for saying 'ye' to closing up.

"It's my anniversary with Annie, she'll kill me if I don't come back earlier."

If she was honest she didn't mind. It wasn't the first time she was closing up the place and some extra money are always welcome.

She yawned and took a sip of her another energy drink this night, feeling like she would not be able to come back to study, after she closes. She had classes in the morning as still needed to do some extra stuff for tomorrow.

"Those aren't really good for your heart", she looked beside her, to the man who was sitting in the corner of the bar with his hood on and drinking Mountain Dew for the whole night.

"But they do the job to keep me up", she smiled politely to the man, who was still hiding under the hood. She didn't mind him. He was quite all night, just sipping his soda, and sitting there like he had nothing to do the whole night. As a bartender, she learned how to talk to people, but she was never a social type of girl, always focused on studying, earning enough money and just staying deep inside of the book world. But she was still at work, and well the pub was still opened for the next five minutes.

"Sleep does the same, and won't fuck up your heart", she smiled a bit and shook her head, not knowing what to say. She took a glance at the glass and sighed quietly taking another Dew and pouring it for the last customer of hers.

"We're still opened for the next five minutes", she said, answering the unspoken question, that could be seen on his head, which he lifted for the first time this night. She could notice his nice blue-ish eyes. "This one is on me, seems like you need to go wild", he huffed under his nose, but she was sure, she heard a quite and shirt chuckle as well.

"Do I?" She took another sip of Red Bull and throw the can away, cleaning up the counter. She stopped and looked at the man, who was now staring right into her eyes. She frowned and tilted her head a bit, smiling sadly.

"You look like a man who went through shit in life. Well..." she stopped and continued on cleaning. " Your eyes say a lot."

"My eyes?" he asked surprised, raising his brows. "You're the first person who ever said something so fucked up!" he smiled to the girl and took a sip of his Mountain Dew. He locked his eyes on her for a while, and down lay down on the counter and sighed.

"Well, I'm gonna shut up now, then" she smiled to him and turned around to clean up all that is left to do. She looked at the clock and sighed slowly, trying to calculate how much time to sleep she will still have if she leaves soon, goes to what she needs to do for the classes. This is not what she planned for today, but well, money is money, and lately, she needs it more than ever. Her little sister is getting married, and her parents were not in a situation to pay for her dream wedding, and her as a big sister, wasn't planning on killing this dream.

"You want to me to leave?" he asked, already standing up slowly, and reaching up for his wallet.

" You still have around a minute left", she chuckled and turned around only to see him putting a stack of dollars on the counter. "Oi, sir!" he stopped before reaching out for the keys. "That is way too much".

He watched her counting the amount needed and held her hand to him with the rest of the money.

"Count this as a tip", he said, still looking at her straightened hand. He raised his eyebrow when she counted another amount and again gave him the rest.

"20 % for staying so late it still waay too much for me to ask. Here take the rest. I didn't deserve all that money."

"You did a good job today. Just take them. He sighed when she left the counter and walked to him, pushing the money into his hoodie pocket.

" Thanks, but I don't take money for something I haven't worked for", he frowned and looked at her stubborn face. "If you're so into giving up your money come back here again, and spend it on drinks." She turned around and walked back over the pub. He smiled to himself and shaking his head, he left.

Hello, everyone! This is my first non-anime ff so please be patient with me. It is actually a story that my friend asked me to write a while ago, and now I decided to publish it. Let me know how you feel. The first chapter is short but, the next ones will be longer.

And apologies for any mistakes. English is not my first language.

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