Where It All Starts

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** KB POV **
It's the first day of freshman year and as I wake up I look at my dresser and see my first day fit.
A pair of sandals that my mom had brought me, a shirt and and some regular jeans.
I wasn't the "girly type" but I always felt like I wasn't truly gay because of what my mom always said.
I have a older sister who is really gay and my mom always told me I wasn't gay, I just did it because of my sister so I went with it.
I brushed my teeth, washed my face and put on my clothes. I was nervous walking to the bus stop because it was my first year of high school. I sat on the bus and I waited and waited. We finally arrived to the school and there it was... high school.
I stepped off the bus and I literally knew no one, everyone looked but no one said anything. I felt out of place honestly, like I was at the wrong school.
I sat in first period and I immediately noticed a pretty girl. She came in class a little after me and sat on the opposite side of the room, she was quiet and didn't say anything. I only stared and looked away when she looked my way. On my way to my next class the hallways were so crowded, there was people everywhere. When I finally arrived to class, I knew no one and sat in the back, no one in the class attracted me, I just sat there. I noticed the girl who sat next to me during first period was in this class, but we never made eye contact. Next period was the worst, Geometry. I walked in class and my neighbor was in there so I sat next to her. Class was dismissed for lunch and I sat alone because the people that I did know what with their new friends. During my last period of the day, my teacher was very short, really short, and I noticed someone. The same person I sat by in first period had this class with me. She sat next to me and introduced herself. Her name was Katrina and I told her mine. She seemed friendly and we were partners for the activity that the teachers had us do. After last period I had cheerleading practice. I was on JV so it wasn't that bad. I became a cheerleader because of my best friend Adrianna. She never liked doing anything by herself. She always wanted me there. So I tried out with her and made the team. Practice went smooth. When I got out of practice, I went home took a shower and went to sleep.

** The Next Day **
Today I switched it up, I wore something more like me today.
A purple Ralph Lauren Polo Shirt, some blue jeans and some nice Nikes. I felt more comfortable walking out of the house. I felt like myself. When I arrived to my first period class, it was in the gym. I sat there with my headphones in and a girl from behind tapped me.
"I like your shirt" she said to me
"Thank you" I replied
She began talking to me and next thing I know we were having a whole conversation and the bell ring for us to leave.
She gave me her name on last time before she left - Raquelle.
She was my first B day friend, she wasn't very attractive but she was nice and was the first one to try and be my friend.
My next period was art and my neighbor was in there again. Many females in this class caught my eye but they all looked like senior. One girl was skinny but very pretty. She had shirt hair with a little color. She looked like a model honestly. I didn't say anything to her, just looked. My next period was history and was very boring. What made the class was fun this guy there, his name was Landon and he was hilarious. He had a friend named Kierra. They both made little jokes the whole class which made it a lot funner. During my last period class Landon was there too making funny jokes. He made the whole class laugh, there was no dull moment with him in the room. After that class I went home and and went to sleep

** 2 days later **
As I was on my way to gym, I had my headphones in. When I finally walked in I saw my new friends that I had met ,Landon and Kierra. They had a friend with them. Their friend was beautiful. She had braids in her hair and had a pretty smile. She had her books next to her and laughed as Landon made jokes. I never approached her but I knew that I wanted to be her friend- more than a friend.

When I finally got to my third period I hoped Landon and Kierra would talk about their beautiful friend but they said nothing about her.

After that day I was determined to get to know that beautiful girl, with that beautiful smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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