Solar Night

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(OC Character made by the world's greatest Artist!) Miss."D-Dyee" from Deviantart. May my creator-sensei forever be great!!! \\(^^)//

Name: Solar Night

Age: Younger than both Princesses
(AN: Luna is around 10,000 years old a detail I discerned from...le internet. No idea if it accurate, please let me know?)

Height: A bit smaller then Princess Celestia, yet only a very little smidge taller then Princess Luna.

Race/Species: Alicorn ( What else?) (AN: lol... please don't answer that?!!)

Gender: Male/Stallion

Personality: Having been abused in his past lives, Solar has developed a 'Fear for All' as he trust no one, thing, pony or any other of any race wholeheartedly. He is shy and reclusive on some ways that make others attracted towards him, as the way he spaces himself form others is a...cute and bashful way. His is extremely giving to the degree of his life being forfeit for others as it will be explained briefly at first. More or less like Fluttershy but with more power that he does not like to use unless absolutely necessary. He uses it in ways that would make it seem not magic, but his physical abilities and own prowess. Yet they are his just says it's the only way his magic is able to be used.

Backstory/Bio: It can't be helped as in every life he had lived, he was born or reincarnated brought into the next life and world as he his now. An Alicorn. That being said, in many worlds he was sought after for a pet for the rich, wealthy and powerful's children. To try and...breed. Sadly it led to a very abusive life as he refused to do anything of the sort as he is still an adolescent or young teen. His appearance is the only thing that differs. Others and sometimes the previous worlds he met with, cake to know if his powers, abilities and natural affinities. Seeking it for war, power play or something just to have and look at. This caused him to become reclusive until the day he "jumped" into the next world and wanted to envision a world with not problems concerning him. So he himself made a cave inside a mountain that was usually avoided by all the occupants of the current world. Bending the laws of Thai world he make a blanket or wall of rainbow colored light as the cave he was mostly comprised of crystals that came into existence by themselves wherever he stayed for a lingering amount of time. This self enchanted wall of light was to word off all, no matter who unless...UNLESS they seeked a refuge of a temporary status. Thus would unnecessarily become the way he would leave as one seeking shelter became his, surrogate mother, care taker and charge as well as her foals. Who turn out to be the future rulers of the nation known as..."Equestria".

(AN: OC is mine and was drawn, created and colored by "D-Dyee" from DeviantArt.)

May creator-sensei forever be the greatest

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